Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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This is going to be interesting. I know of a few drivers who told me months ago, not a chance in hell. I’ll lose the job before I get the jab. I wonder if they’ll follow your. FTR vaccinated. 1st dose, sore arm next day. 2nd dose, following day felt horrible. Legs felt like they had 50lb weights attached to them. Following day woke up feeling fine.

I know people want to stand up for what they believe in but IMO it would be crazy to lose your job at UPS if you are a FTer becaide you dont want to get it. Would never hate on anyone. Your choice, your life. Just seems really extreme. PTer I can understand. You can get a job making UPS pt wages anywhere. Not topped out PTer. Talking newer employee. People act like you’re going to die. No you’re not. The chances of that are so slim. You could die crossing the street. My parents are in their mid 70s. Both got double vaxxed, and then got the booster. Nothing. I got more sick then they did when I got my second shot. They probably know close to 50 couples they are friends with that are all vaccinated. Out of all those people two got really sick. Not hospital sick, but the side effects were pretty bad for a few days. Just seems crazy to lose a $100k a year job because you dont want to take the jab.
Just as the shot should be a personal choice your reaction to forced vaccination is a personal choice. There are thousands of people out there giving up good careers over vaccine mandates and you have to respect that. Some are giving up paydays in the millions of dollars to stand up for what they believe in, but others aren’t in a position to make that hard choice and I understand that as well.

With the labor market being what it is getting a new job isn’t that difficult putting companies in a tough spot. Not all workers are easily replaced especially if their jobs require some level of skill. If enough people say no I’m willing to bet the employers blink and end up keeping on their unvaccinated workers.


Victory Ride

Last One In

Well-Known Member
What would you do if you only had 5 years FT? Would you lose the job? friend that. If I was against being vaccinated and they said get the jab or you’re fired, I would get it. No way I’m losing this job. I have no trade skill where I could just go do something else. I make $90-100k a year to drive around for 9 hours a day twittling my thumbs. friend that.
I was only speaking about my situation. I can't imagine what I would do if I had just a few years in. Take it, I suppose. What is completely moronic about this is why aren't they taking into consideration those who have already had covid? Doesn't make sense to get immunized for something you already have been exposed to.