Don't worry about that local immigrants...Dr. Fauci called for testing of everyone coming into the country within 24 hours of their entry — except illegal aliens.
Peter Doocy: “You advised the president about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country, does that include everybody?”
Dr. Fauci: The answer is “yes” because you know that the new regulation, if you want to call it that, is that anybody and everybody who is coming into the country needs to get a test within 24 hours of getting on the plane to come here.
Peter Doocy: “Well, what about people who don’t take a plane and just these border crossers coming in in huge numbers?”
Dr. Fauci: “That’s a different issue.”
ScumbagsDon't worry about that local immigrants...
It's a democratic wayScumbags
I cant tell if youre making fun of Catholics, or praising joe biden..At least most vaccine takers don't believe in incest and sexually abusing young boys.
The New York Times gathers data from almost all states and compiles it for you to read free of charge. Google “New York Times breakthrough hospitalization rate”.Let's see those facts
Except people die from a myriad of reasons. It’s not been proven to be adverse reactions from vaccination.Yes, and it can never be proven. Will you admit the same about your supposed covid deaths?
Athletes didn't drop like flies in 2018 or 2019. Doctors in their prime didn't drop like flies in 2018 or 2019. These people didn't have covid.
Both your brain cells should testify that it's the vaccine.
Except people die from a myriad of reasons. It’s not been proven to be adverse reactions from vaccination.
So what are the feelings of those who got vaccinated and boosted? They are literally saying it may be a yearly thing. Honest question to some of you. Will you be okay with it? Do you still believe the narrative?
View attachment 361994
So what are the feelings of those who got vaccinated and boosted? They are literally saying it may be a yearly thing. Honest question to some of you. Will you be okay with it? Do you still believe the narrative? I'm not even trying to be rude, I'm genuinely curious on your feelings of continuous boosters. If so do you think they should still be mandated?
View attachment 361994
They wouldn’t, they’re brainwashed by now. I see people walking outside with masks, the idiots.At this point if a person has had 2, 3 or more shots why would they have a problem with shots every month as long as they are told that’s what they need to do.
Better than a dead sheep like thousands of idiot sheep every sheep! Of course they’re gonna line up!
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Oh great , another person in @542thruNthru land
Fake newsThere is NO scientific evidence that covid-19 vaccines have saved a single life.
Not one, single clinical trial for covid-19 vaccines studied transmission, severe illness, hospitalization or death
The old adage that “vaccines save lives” cannot, in any way, be applied to the experimental covid-19 jabs. No matter how many times the public is told to believe LIES, there’s still no scientific data to prove it. An analysis by Peter Doshi, published in the British Medical Journal, points out the obvious: The vaccine makers designed clinical trials that do not provide any data on all-cause mortality benefits. The clinical trials do not study viral transmission, viral load or prevention of severe illness, hospitalization or death. Clearly, the vaccine makers did not have enough confidence in their ability to show that the experimental mRNA vaccines could save a single life. There isn’t a single clinical vaccine trial that detected a reduction in any serious outcomes. It was all fraud from the start.