Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
You’re correct‘s death don’t lie and there absolutely is something you should tell everyone and every family who has loved ones. Eat healthier, exercise, watch your weight. Take care of yourself physically because those Some of the main comorbidities that you can control of the people who have died as the “numbers” have told us.

It was Covid yeah all that plays factor overall, but it was Covid that got them ultimately
Blatant discrimination. Since we know the vaccinated spread it too. Why aren’t they being tested?
No argument for me.
Other than employment I will not show my vaccination card to anyone else.
Whether it's a customer or if I want to go out to eat or whatever if they want my business seeing my vaccination card is none of their business


nowhere special
We all know people who have died from it. If you look real hard and be honest, usually there was a reason, other than just covid. Overweight, asthma, diabetes. I believe are the biggest 3. It sucks, no doubt. But Im just not ready to trust a vaccine.
They counted deaths with Covid as died of Covid. They wanted to inflate the numbers under Trump. Odd how you don't hear much about those numbers now.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It was Covid yeah all that plays factor overall, but it was Covid that got them ultimately
Boring……Instead of pushing the same point, make some other arguments for getting the jab, you know, like how it’s safe annnnd effective, and you can’t get or transmit the virus if you’re vaxed…..wait….that’s all BS! 😂