Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Horse dewormer. Argument invalid.

The Driver

I drive.
Guys here are so worried about their heart healthy with a vaccine that's proven to be safe but have no problem scarfing down the artery clogging brisket and burgers.


Well-Known Member
750,000+ Americans dead from the virus.

175,000 of those were working age. This is a national security issue. This is a workplace safety issue. We have seatbelt mandates, too. This vaccine is safe and it's effective.
not from the virus with the virus as well as even the testing cycle was turned up to over 35.


Except the vaccines are saving lives, not ending them. Get a grip, come back to reality. I know you're still heartbroken over your Orange King.
The fact that I hated Trump notwithstanding, are you referring to the "Orange King" who helped give you the very vaccines that you love?


Inordinately Right
I'm seeing that if you're unable to attain a religious exemption, you'll be forced to pay for the tests yourself. Whereas if you attain a religious exemption, the company pays for the testing.
That's a union bargaining issue.
That's a clear case for a lawsuit.
Forcing employees to pay hundreds of dollars for a test you can get for $7 bucks at Costco.