When did it become the norm to only have hard party lines, and if anyone crosses them, their wrong? Is it ok to be pro life and anti gun? It’s all only left, or right, no in between, and NO mistakes, because everyone else is so perfect. I remember the hanging chad votes in Florida, that felt like a stolen election way more than the last. Maybe they’ve all been stolen? Who was counting and verifying votes in 1838? Probably way less likely in todays day and age.
And who’s to say how anyone in a leadership role would act during a pandemic. There’s no right or wrong, but it sure is easy to Monday morning quarterback. I think the Covid virus was mutating faster than anyone ever thought, still is. People definitely dies in the beginning, Italy and New York. China wasn’t sealing people in their homes for fun. The sad thing is how if or when people got scared, others only took it to use for political gain. Like I’ve said before, our country is full of pussyy ass bitches, I’ll rip your damn eyebrows off.