Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Rack em

Made the Podium
I bet there is a solid 25% of the workforce that refuses the vaxx and parts ways with the company via being fired. Then after the lawsuits and courts decide this whole mandate is unconstitutional, they will get their job backs with back pay. Forcing a shot for a "virus" that most people have a 99.99% chance of surviving is freaking *.
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Well-Known Member
Here's what going to happen....

“We’re not the enforcement arm of the federal government. Forcing Americans to choose between their livelihoods and their freedom is a grotesque abuse of power and we won’t be a party to it."

“We will not incur the cost of implementing this testing regime. We will not incur the liability of inserting ourselves into the private health decisions and information of our employees."
I like these quotes. But whose quotes are they?
I bet there is a solid 25% of the workforce that refuses the vaxx and parts ways with the company via being fired. Then after the lawsuits and courts decide this whole mandate is unconstitutional, they will get their job backs with back pay. Forcing a shot for a "virus" that most people have a 99.99% chance of surviving is freaking *.
Just get your shot and be quiet mister
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Inordinately Right
Get the vaccine or prepare to be tested potentially every week forever on your own dime.
So you acted like you wanted to have an intelligent conversation about federal authority and the legality of vaccine mandates. Then when you were faced with factual information and an expectation for you to form your own rational position, your resorted to:

Get the vaccine or else

You sheep are ridiculous.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So I guess blood clots aren't a concern.....until they move to your lungs or brain.
Google graphene oxide.

Medically helping.
Using this data, they found that of all the types of clots included in the analysis, only one -- idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura -- had a statistically significant relationship with the vaccine. 1.7 million Scots have been vaccinated and only 142 experienced a vaccine-related clot. The experts estimate that the risk of this clot forming is just over 1 in every 100,000 people vaccinated.