Express going "independent" ...and to current events


Well-Known Member
Johnson was once told that Somoza, the Nicaraguan dictator, was a real son of a bitch. Johnson's replied "yeah, but he's our son of a bitch!" Rex Tillerson was claimed to have called Trump a maroon after a meeting this summer. Yeah, but he's our maroon! No matter the Twitter ranting, no matter the inaccurate statements he makes in press conferences, we're(the Repubs)counting on him to sign off on legislation that hopefully(!) will spark a huge revival in the economy. It may all be pie in the sky, but at least an effort is being made. Can't say the same for you-know-who the past 8 years.
" The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one term president"- Mitch McConnell. What he is saying is the most important thing isn't fixing the economy the banking industry ruined, not helping Americans find jobs. No, the most important thing was to make Pres Obama a one term president. But with all that, the auto industry was saved by Obama. The Banks got their welfare along with keeping all that money they stole from America. For every obstructionist Republican, Obama still got things accomplished. When the world, people not living in the USA, loves a leader the way they loved Obama, it says a lot. Also says a lot when most of the hate for him came from southern states.


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the hypocrisy

It's the hypocrisy of those that don't even understand affirmative action. I never said anything about it other than stated that fact. Legacy admissions are the original affirmative action and those that have benefited from it the most seek to destroy opportunities for others.
Also it dont matter your color if you have money. Money dictates where you can go after that it is how smart you are.


Well-Known Member
you realize there was already a lawsuit in court to get rid of them right. It already got turned down once and was up for a second challange. Trump chose not to defend it
The Reps voted a while ago to cut off the subsidy payments to insurers who participated in the exchanges . Insurers then went to court and won. In the aftermath of this week's executive order plenty more will file suit.


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The Reps voted a while ago to cut off the subsidy payments to insurers who participated in the exchanges . Insurers then went to court and won. In the aftermath of this week's executive order plenty more will file suit.
congress took obama to court over the subs. The congress won and obama appealed. Trumps doj asked for an extension. This is why they are getting paid montly.


Well-Known Member
" The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one term president"- Mitch McConnell. What he is saying is the most important thing isn't fixing the economy the banking industry ruined, not helping Americans find jobs. No, the most important thing was to make Pres Obama a one term president. But with all that, the auto industry was saved by Obama. The Banks got their welfare along with keeping all that money they stole from America. For every obstructionist Republican, Obama still got things accomplished. When the world, people not living in the USA, loves a leader the way they loved Obama, it says a lot. Also says a lot when most of the hate for him came from southern states.
If not for the actions taken by the Obama administration in junction with the Federal Reserve it is widely believed that the bank's would have been nationalized and the unemployment rate would have been 25%.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Use whatever spin you desire. The fact remains that America's president based on actual counted votes was Hillary Clinton.

In other words, if we ignore the way we elect our president and substitute something else, we can claim whoever we want as the winner. Sounds like the Atlanta Falcons fans claiming a moral victory.
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Well-Known Member
it was designed to give states equal footing and not have bigger states dictate elections.

No it wasn't, at least not in the sense you describe. It was meant to get some credit for the human beings that slaveholders held as property for the basis of population. Virginia was the most populous state, but only when counting the enslaved. The framers needed Virginia to ratify the Constitution and worked out a deal, but would only count some humans as 3/5ths of a person. Of course, even as 3/5ths slaves held no voting rights and those were passed along to the white aristocrats that wanted to preserve their power (and keep slaves).

Virginia would not be the "mother of Presidents" without this combo of laws and the bigotry they were built upon.


Well-Known Member
congress took obama to court over the subs. The congress won and obama appealed. Trumps doj asked for an extension. This is why they are getting paid montly.
Right and the lawsuits are on their way. My state's attorney general was one of the 19 who filed suit over Trump's executive order.


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If not for the actions taken by the Obama administration in junction with the Federal Reserve it is widely believed that the bank's would have been nationalized and the unemployment rate would have been 25%.
and bush did the first tarp for the banks


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Right and the lawsuits are on their way. My state's attorney general was one of the 19 who filed suit over Trump's executive order.
thats good because they will lose because spending is done by congress not the president


Well-Known Member
that isnt affirmative action and i got news for you. All colors use legacy affrimative action. Do you think obamas kids are going to get turned down to go to columbia or chelsia clinton would.

Why don't you define affirmative action and how it operates? Please and thank you.

You do realize that elite institutions in America ONLY allowed white students for centuries right? Look up the student body makeup of Ivy league schools from 1636 to about 1960. That's kind of the point.


Well-Known Member
" The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one term president"- Mitch McConnell. What he is saying is the most important thing isn't fixing the economy the banking industry ruined, not helping Americans find jobs. No, the most important thing was to make Pres Obama a one term president. But with all that, the auto industry was saved by Obama. The Banks got their welfare along with keeping all that money they stole from America. For every obstructionist Republican, Obama still got things accomplished. When the world, people not living in the USA, loves a leader the way they loved Obama, it says a lot. Also says a lot when most of the hate for him came from southern states.
Obama would have seriously damaged the economy if he had gotten cap and trade passed. McConnell wasn't being personal, it was his disagreement with Obama's policies that he was stating. You really need to get off the racism element. Politicians like McConnell aren't going to be openly racist but guys like you read it into their every word and action.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
No it wasn't, at least not in the sense you describe. It was meant to get some credit for the human beings that slaveholders held as property for the basis of population. Virginia was the most populous state, but only when counting the enslaved. The framers needed Virginia to ratify the Constitution and worked out a deal, but would only count some humans as 3/5ths of a person. Of course, even as 3/5ths slaves held no voting rights and those were passed along to the white aristocrats that wanted to preserve their power (and keep slaves).

Virginia would not be the "mother of Presidents" without this combo of laws and the bigotry they were built upon.
Why the Electoral College


Well-Known Member
In other words, if we ignore the way we elect our president and substituting something else, we can claim whoever we want as the winner. Sounds like the Atlanta Falcons fans claiming a moral victory.

No, simply stating the fact that more Americans that voted, voted for Hillary. He did not represent the desires of most American voters.

I'm not sure what you're trying to add here, but I am making the affirmative statement that Hillary Clinton received more of the counted votes than her opponent. Do you deny that?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Why don't you define affirmative action and how it operates? Please and thank you.

You do realize that elite institutions in America ONLY allowed white students for centuries right? Look up the student body makeup of Ivy league schools from 1636 to about 1960. That's kind of the point.
if you have money you can go where you want, you do know affirmative action didnt come about until the 1961 when jfk used the term.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
His approval rate 35% and falling.

Kind of like his popularity rating 18 months ago....

On Friday attorney's general in 19 states have filed a combined lawsuit seeking to block his executive order ending payment of Obamacare subsidies.

Have at it. Congress has not appropriated the money for those subsidies. Being the expert that you are, you're probably aware that the government can't spend money that Congress hasn't given it permission to spend.