Express handing resi deliveries to Ground

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If your business model existed in 1998, how successful do you think it would have been?

Keep in mind, McDonald’s was forced to pay more than what I assume you are paying in some markets.
What’s your point? I’d have to pay wages high enough to attract employees. It’s a low skill job. I guess tech would have been worse then but it’s not that hard to laminate a map.


Well-Known Member
Ok let's take a look at the minimum wage laws in the Northeasten states where IWBF operates:
Connecticut: $11.00 Now he pays on a per diem basis and since he's running on the over 10,000 GVW rule that exempts him from paying over time
Vermont $10.96 so now if you divided up his per diems by the hours worked he's probably at state minimum but rest assured not much more
Maine: $ 12.00 and when he starts hauling that cheap junk Fat Freddy has coming his way rest assured whatever he pays his help won't be
Mass: $ 12.75 moving up much from what it's at right now. Oh sure he claims that he offers "benefits to his employees but always stops short
of telling you who pays the premiums.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Ok let's take a look at the minimum wage laws in the Northeasten states where IWBF operates:
Connecticut: $11.00 Now he pays on a per diem basis and since he's running on the over 10,000 GVW rule that exempts him from paying over time
Vermont $10.96 so now if you divided up his per diems by the hours worked he's probably at state minimum but rest assured not much more
Maine: $ 12.00 and when he starts hauling that cheap junk Fat Freddy has coming his way rest assured whatever he pays his help won't be
Mass: $ 12.75 moving up much from what it's at right now. Oh sure he claims that he offers "benefits to his employees but always stops short
of telling you who pays the premiums.
My best drivers make ~$28/hr. But cool story.


Well-Known Member
What’s your point? I’d have to pay wages high enough to attract employees. It’s a low skill job. I guess tech would have been worse then but it’s not that hard to laminate a map.

Give me the hourly wages of what you pay your employees, and what region you are in and I’ll make my point EXTREMELY specific.


Well-Known Member
My best drivers make ~$28/hr. But cool story.


Well-Known Member
Like a lot of contractors he pushing all the pay up front in the form of cash but nothing on the back side in terms of benefits. Oh he might offer them but doesn't step up to the plate and say who pays the premiums. And the more he talks the more it sounds like he's got them on a per diem based pretty much on state minimum wage but a minimum stop quota and if they absolutely kill themselves out there to go above that quota then they MIGHT get a bit closer to the rate he's claiming.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Give me the hourly wages of what you pay your employees, and what region you are in and I’ll make my point EXTREMELY specific.
You have no point. Same old nonsense. Ground can’t get drivers, blah blah, Ground can’t have benefits, blah blah. Fingers in your ears as Ground eats Express’ lunch and takes all your volume.


Well-Known Member
Based on an 8 hour work day that's a $224 day . No way Not unless all you're stops are within a 15 minute drive from your terminal cool story.

I like some of that guy’s politics, but I have accused him of being constipaded before - straight up full of :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys see what Bezos did yesterday? Terminated 3 very large AMZN contractors. He claimed that they didn't meet the so called "standards". I would love to hear what those standards were and where they failed but under the confidentiality agreements the terminated contractors couldn't talk publicly. I wonder to what extent a shortage of cheap manpower might have played in their failure to meet those "standards"?
I think they were allowing their drivers time for bathroom breaks:blushing2:


Well-Known Member
224 X $ 1 per stop divided by 8 hours and there's your so called $28 an hour.
I don't know any ground drivers who only work 8 hours a day. I'm sure they're exist but I've never knowing seen one. I will say, the Mexican guy, in my area, has been working for his contractor from almost day one. He's seems to like it at ground. I don't really speak Spanish so our conversions are limited to Hello and busy?.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely positively overnight by Robert Alan Sigafoos is the best book on FedEx tells about Fred running over a guy while drunk and how he patterned the company after Ho Chi Min’s leadership style in Vietnam.


Well-Known Member
FedEx is gonna hv to place more rules on ground now. With time commitments and more rules the lawsuits will be inevitable. Some states will be seeing them as employees.