Express Pay Increase?

Will Express Get a Pay Hike in 2021?

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Well-Known Member
I just question why anyone would hate their job and have for many years, yet they keep clocking in. If they had made a change when their life became miserable, well most were probably miserable in grade school. If they left 5 or 6 yrs ago. they would be that far along at their other job.
I really don't remember anyone saying they hated their job. I stand to be corrected.

You seem to be upset that some are a bit disjointed when their enticements to become employees are jerked out from under them. It has a way of leaving a bitter taste in some mouths.
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Well-Known Member
I just question why anyone would hate their job and have for many years, yet they keep clocking in. If they had made a change when their life became miserable, well most were probably miserable in grade school. If they left 5 or 6 yrs ago. they would be that far along at their other job.
There are no guarantees that things will be better at another company. Most people go with the devil they know. Four weeks of vacation is a lot to give up and people always hope things will improve. By the time they get twenty years in and that 5th week of vacation most are too old to chance starting over. Have kids in school and mortgages to pay. But doesn't mean they aren't going to be unhappy when FedEx does things like finally come up with better pay and a time range for top out then after a few years reneg on it. There's no building up Ground infrastructure this time as an excuse for holding down Express pay. This time it's about impressing Wall Street with higher profits and taking directly from employees to do it. The guys at the top want a higher stock price so they can cash in stock options and get even wealthier. Why are you defending people who have plenty and are willing to do this to their employees?


Well-Known Member
Top out was not 3 months. Some of your other timelines are wrong as well. I believe it was 18 month back then. Stayed that way and then went with the merit raises..
It was 23 months when I became fulltime in '88. About doubled in time not long after I reached top out in '90.


Huge Member
I really don't remember anyone saying they hated their job. I stand to be corrected.

I truly love the work I do. I’m not micromanaged, I get to be solo 6-8 hours a day, I’m in the top 10 seniority-wise at my station, my customers feed me and even invite me to their holiday parties, and the list goes on. I’m at step 4 in the pay scale, but still at less than 10 years with the company.

If it was only about money for me, I would go back to my previous job where I made $20k more a year and worked less hours at a desk. When I interviewed at UPS, I was told to expect to be a handler for close to 5 years before I’d ever be driving. I’m only in my 40s, but too old to start over at the bottom.

I’m sure there’s more, but I’m on vacation this week and enjoying frosty beverages at the moment. Cheers, y’all!

falcon back

Well-Known Member
There are no guarantees that things will be better at another company. Most people go with the devil they know. Four weeks of vacation is a lot to give up and people always hope things will improve. By the time they get twenty years in and that 5th week of vacation most are too old to chance starting over. Have kids in school and mortgages to pay. But doesn't mean they aren't going to be unhappy when FedEx does things like finally come up with better pay and a time range for top out then after a few years reneg on it. There's no building up Ground infrastructure this time as an excuse for holding down Express pay. This time it's about impressing Wall Street with higher profits and taking directly from employees to do it. The guys at the top want a higher stock price so they can cash in stock options and get even wealthier. Why are you defending people who have plenty and are willing to do this to their employees?
Other jobs must be better because all you hear on this site is how bad everyone is treated, how underpaid they are and how other jobs pay more and have better benefits. Let someone in here go get one of those jobs and report back in 1 year.


Well-Known Member
Other jobs must be better because all you hear on this site is how bad everyone is treated, how underpaid they are and how other jobs pay more and have better benefits. Let someone in here go get one of those jobs and report back in 1 year.
Leaving FedEx was the best move ever. Just under $40 THIS year. Top rate after 4 years, not the 17 I spent at Express to get nowhere close to making big money. Union dues are a fraction of what y'all pay just for insurance, and come with protections, guaranteed pay scale, etc. Don't drink the purple kool-aid.
above post 134 page 7 you're welcome :thumbup1: :thumbup1:

falcon back

Well-Known Member
I really don't remember anyone saying they hated their job. I stand to be corrected.

You seem to be upset that some are a bit disjointed when their enticements to become employees are jerked out from under them. It has a way of leaving a bitter taste in some mouths.
Best way to get that bitter taste out of your mouth. Don't eat there. Go find another job. Or do what you do best. Bitch and whine while you clock in each day.


Well-Known Member
Are you next? No. You are too chicken to get another job. Plus, what purpose would your life have if you didn't have anything to bitch about.
All I did was give an example that you didn't think existed.
He posted it yesterday, is your memory that short?

I said this yesterday, I'll say it again today, you assume a lot.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
All I did was give an example that you didn't think existed.
He posted it yesterday, is your memory that short?

I said this yesterday, I'll say it again today, you assume a lot.
Back up your words by job hunting and look for that job that will finally make you happy. If that is even possible.


Well-Known Member
Huuuuurrrrrr... U aL r WiNrz. I LiEk NaZCuR becUz tEh CaRz gO aRunD iNn sirClEs sO MaH BriAn DuZeNt hUrT aZ muCh aZ WacHnG uThEr sPoRtz


Leaving FedEx was the best move ever. Just under $40 THIS year. Top rate after 4 years, not the 17 I spent at Express to get nowhere close to making big money. Union dues are a fraction of what y'all pay just for insurance, and come with protections, guaranteed pay scale, etc. Don't drink the purple kool-aid.
Yup. The best choice I made was to leave purple for brown 🤎 .
Why is it that people that drink purple Kool aid always bring up the good luck seeing your kids soccer game etc..
Okay? Wish me luck because I don't want any 😂
Good luck making 30$+ in 4 years .
I remember my last year.. we got a 40¢ raise and the senior said it was for our raises in the future.. bs! Haha after his little meeting all the new hires were clapping 😂
It was at that moment I knew I had to GTFO!


Well-Known Member
Yup. The best choice I made was to leave purple for brown 🤎 .
Why is it that people that drink purple Kool aid always bring up the good luck seeing your kids soccer game etc..
Okay? Wish me luck because I don't want any 😂
Good luck making 30$+ in 4 years .
I remember my last year.. we got a 40¢ raise and the senior said it was for our raises in the future.. bs! Haha after his little meeting all the new hires were clapping 😂
It was at that moment I knew I had to GTFO!
@falcon back, you asked, read the above.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Yup. The best choice I made was to leave purple for brown 🤎 .
Why is it that people that drink purple Kool aid always bring up the good luck seeing your kids soccer game etc..
Okay? Wish me luck because I don't want any 😂
Good luck making 30$+ in 4 years .
I remember my last year.. we got a 40¢ raise and the senior said it was for our raises in the future.. bs! Haha after his little meeting all the new hires were clapping 😂
It was at that moment I knew I had to GTFO!
Why is it that people that traded a paycheck for family time always defend their actions? My house is sandwiched by 2 package car drivers. Both get home too late to have any family time during the week. One has a real young child that is asleep when they get home from work. Who cares if you make $110k a year if your kids look in the stands at their games and you are very seldom there.


Full Service
Yup. The best choice I made was to leave purple for brown 🤎 .
Why is it that people that drink purple Kool aid always bring up the good luck seeing your kids soccer game etc..
Okay? Wish me luck because I don't want any 😂
Good luck making 30$+ in 4 years .
I remember my last year.. we got a 40¢ raise and the senior said it was for our raises in the future.. bs! Haha after his little meeting all the new hires were clapping 😂
It was at that moment I knew I had to GTFO!
Yeah no kids and not married for me, this job fits me perfectly. I only work 9.5 hours a day, not the end of the world. The job is the same, drive truck, deliver packages. The pay is awesome, guaranteed. Healthcare, top notch, no cost. Union protections, your job is safe. When they hired me it was like winning the lottery!

Over the 15 years I drove at Express, my pay only increased $9.39, a $0.63 yearly average raise. Pathetic as insurance costs went up, coverage down. Some years there were no raises, not to mention the old review score method for calculating. They took more than I gained when I stopped being a swing and took a route.

My last few years there I was miserable. Hated going in to work for a job I once loved. But I was doing good, even at the low pay, because of my situation. I didn't feel like starting over. But as fate would have it, that was decided for me. Going Brown was just like switching jerseys. I'm happy now, making the most money ever in my life, doing what I love. My family is good, no worries, smooth sailing. What can Brown do for you!