Express Pay Increase?

Will Express Get a Pay Hike in 2021?

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Why is it that people that traded a paycheck for family time always defend their actions? My house is sandwiched by 2 package car drivers. Both get home too late to have any family time during the week. One has a real young child that is asleep when they get home from work. Who cares if you make $110k a year if your kids look in the stands at their games and you are very seldom there.
Not everyone has kids, family time is a non issue. The dog will see me when I get home lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Another fool that decided a paycheck was more important that watching your kids activities. Another fool that is probably divorced but makes 6 figures. Who cares?
Once again, you assume a lot.

Your kids are probably gone, how's your wife doing?
How about you beagles, didn't you have beagles?


Well-Known Member
I think I am lucky, my wife works with me at express. Pay sucks, but I love being with her, and couldn't imagine only spending time with her when I got home at night.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no kids and not married for me, this job fits me perfectly. I only work 9.5 hours a day, not the end of the world. The job is the same, drive truck, deliver packages. The pay is awesome, guaranteed. Healthcare, top notch, no cost. Union protections, your job is safe. When they hired me it was like winning the lottery!

Over the 15 years I drove at Express, my pay only increased $9.39, a $0.63 yearly average raise. Pathetic as insurance costs went up, coverage down. Some years there were no raises, not to mention the old review score method for calculating. They took more than I gained when I stopped being a swing and took a route.

My last few years there I was miserable. Hated going in to work for a job I once loved. But I was doing good, even at the low pay, because of my situation. I didn't feel like starting over. But as fate would have it, that was decided for me. Going Brown was just like switching jerseys. I'm happy now, making the most money ever in my life, doing what I love. My family is good, no worries, smooth sailing. What can Brown do for you!

Good for you! Now with this dumpster fire that's the RESPONSE program, we are working UPS hours but only getting Fedex pay. But, theres good news, my manager just ordered T-shirts and caps for us all!!!


Well-Known Member
What b.s. this family time. Express for many years had forced doubles, Ground does deliveries than waits for hours for pickups. FedEx stooges on this thread,

falcon back

Well-Known Member
That’s part of the problem. Turnover at Express
Not many of the whiny people on here have left and found that dream job. They were bitching several years ago before I retired, they are bitching now. They will be bitching in 5 years. Why not go find the job that will make them happy?

Star B

White Lightening
What b.s. this family time. Express for many years had forced doubles, Ground does deliveries than waits for hours for pickups. FedEx stooges on this thread,
Most of our AM drivers are done by 3-4. The only routes that stay out later than that are the pickup drivers and the extended areas, and then those are done by 6:00 for pull.


Lunch is the best part of the day
Why is it that people that traded a paycheck for family time always defend their actions? My house is sandwiched by 2 package car drivers. Both get home too late to have any family time during the week. One has a real young child that is asleep when they get home from work. Who cares if you make $110k a year if your kids look in the stands at their games and you are very seldom there.
That is the life they choose. At ups you can be on the 9.5 list and you get 8hr requests. There are also options to work inside or go feeders.


Well-Known Member
I chatted with a DHL driver while I was making a delivery recently. She said there was tons of OT for the asking and that pay and benefits were great.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
I chatted with a DHL driver while I was making a delivery recently. She said there was tons of OT for the asking and that pay and benefits were great.
Great pay and benefits compared to what. She might think $17 an hr is great pay. People on here complain about OT, why would they take another job with more?


Well-Known Member
I’m in the top 10 seniority-wise at my station, my customers feed me and even invite me to their holiday parties, and the list goes on. I’m at step 4 in the pay scale, but still at less than 10 years with the company.
Damn, 10 yrs puts you that high? We just had a a few retire with 35-39 yrs. Decent thing is with at 20 yrs you can be a Sergeant Major seniority wise. Won’t have to be crammed at the top and have 30+ to get any of the time you want off.


Well-Known Member
Great pay and benefits compared to what. She might think $17 an hr is great pay. People on here complain about OT, why would they take another job with more?
DHL started me at 26.85/hr. Top out at 33/hr in 24 months. Health insurance is $0/month. Only do 50 stops a day. DHL is a far better place to work for than fedex Express.