Express raises.


Well-Known Member
It's not just inflation it also has to do with what part of the country you live in. Where I'm at if you have a 2 Income household grossing 120k annually you are comfortable, house in a good neighborhood 2 cars etc.

But if you compare that with California or New York 120k will put you in the low middle class compared to the wages those areas
Yes, but a million dollars won't provide that for very long. Inflation marches on, and low risk interest bearing investments pay little. Of course it's better to have the million than not.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
Top out on market level B is $24.something.

If market level B is the lowest market level than it tops out at under $24.

For comparison, here is the USPS pay schedule for letter carriers.

Start at $17.28-$17.64 with scheduled pay raises every 46 weeks. They top out in 12.4 years at $28.10-$28.68 an hour.


Engorged Member
It's not just inflation it also has to do with what part of the country you live in. Where I'm at if you have a 2 Income household grossing 120k annually you are comfortable, house in a good neighborhood 2 cars etc.

But if you compare that with California or New York 120k will put you in the low middle class compared to the wages those areas

The fact that I will have a halfway decent retirement has nothing to do with FedEx, and that's the point I'd like to make to my "buddy" DEX01. No dick measuring...just fact. I've basically worked a second job for the last 10 years to compensate for my low FedEx wages. I live a very modest lifestyle, thanks to Mr. Smith, and I'll work a lot longer than I'd like to because we make so much less. My crap Traditional Pension will be less than half of a UPS driver, and he/she probably didn't have to scrimp and save like we do over here.

My newest car is 10 years old, and that's because I didn't feel I could afford a new one, nor have I ever taken a lavish vacation etc. You are absolutely correct that where you live has everything to do with it. If I wanted to live in a dump like Memphis, or somewhere similar, maybe my FedEx retirement would be adequate (LOL), but I don't want to live in a shathole.

Bottom line is that our retirement sucks, we are underpaid, and that Fred isn't going to be handing out money to us until we force the bastard to do it. If anything, he's looking to take more...and he CAN because of the RLA etc. Our wages have been headed backwards for a long time, and even if you're topped out in a high-level market, you aren't making good money considering how crappy our benefits are and that there is basically no real retirement plan any longer...just the ridiculous PPP.


Engorged Member
You live in a state of perpetual fantasy to compensate for the fact that you never made anything of yourself. Tell me, why didn't you leave the company in the mid-nineties? You have stated in several posts that the company has been in a state of decline since then. You would think that a really smart guy, such as yourself, would have left back then. Could it be you have nothing to offer? Why would you bother professing your superior to anybody, in any way, much less myself?

B-E-L-O-W me little man, and eff off.


B-E-L-O-W me little man, and eff off.

It is hard to believe that none of the job interviews you have had outside of Fedex ever paid dividends. Your rhetorical skills are sublime, and clearly indicative of a highly evolved individual. I know many professional 50 year olds that speak in the same manner. PS, your life sounds horrid!


Well-Known Member
It is hard to believe that none of the job interviews you have had outside of Fedex ever paid dividends. Your rhetorical skills are sublime, and clearly indicative of a highly evolved individual. I know many professional 50 year olds that speak in the same manner. PS, your life sounds horrid!

The word you are struggling with is "indicative".


The word you are struggling with is "indicative".

Save the grammar lesson for your avatar. It could really pay off when it comes time to take the skills test to become a corrections officer. Although, something tells me breaking the spirit of inner-city kids, who happened to have been caught selling drugs, may be a better life skill in your neck of the woods. From my understanding, many upstate "towns" would not meet the definition of a municipality without the prison populous. It's fine and good to be posting on a message board about raises for middle-class folks, but the entire region that you hail from, would not survive without the blatant exploitation of others -- hypocrisy personified.


Just telling it like it is
Save the grammar lesson for your avatar. It could really pay off when it comes time to take the skills test to become a corrections officer. Although, something tells me breaking the spirit of inner-city kids, who happened to have been caught selling drugs, may be a better life skill in your neck of the woods. From my understanding, many upstate "towns" would not meet the definition of a municipality without the prison populous. It's fine and good to be posting on a message board about raises for middle-class folks, but the entire region that you hail from, would not survive without the blatant exploitation of others -- hypocrisy personified.
And this pertains to the thread topic in what way?



Well-Known Member
Save the grammar lesson for your avatar. It could really pay off when it comes time to take the skills test to become a corrections officer. Although, something tells me breaking the spirit of inner-city kids, who happened to have been caught selling drugs, may be a better life skill in your neck of the woods. From my understanding, many upstate "towns" would not meet the definition of a municipality without the prison populous. It's fine and good to be posting on a message board about raises for middle-class folks, but the entire region that you hail from, would not survive without the blatant exploitation of others -- hypocrisy personified.

I am not from the area originally and plan to leave as soon as I can upon retirement.

Everything that you have posted is 100% true yet none of it applies to me as I have my four year degree and 9 hours towards a masters.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Very true. Though Ramp Agents and Dispatchers make more than us.
Are ya sure that's stil true?....I know that used to be the case, but several years ago they increased RTD pay to be directly in line with ramp agents (at least where I am).


Well-Known Member
long time lurker 12 year employee 80 cents from the bottom of the pay scale(RTD) . Thought I would add that I heard the pay raise rumor about a month ago directly from management of a supposed pay scale chart where X number of years equal X amount of pay similar to the usps pay scale.. smoke blowing I'm sure, just thought I'd share...


Well-Known Member
long time lurker 12 year employee 80 cents from the bottom of the pay scale(RTD) . Thought I would add that I heard the pay raise rumor about a month ago directly from management of a supposed pay scale chart where X number of years equal X amount of pay similar to the usps pay scale.. smoke blowing I'm sure, just thought I'd share...
They're working on it. Haha

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
long time lurker 12 year employee 80 cents from the bottom of the pay scale(RTD) . Thought I would add that I heard the pay raise rumor about a month ago directly from management of a supposed pay scale chart where X number of years equal X amount of pay similar to the usps pay scale.. smoke blowing I'm sure, just thought I'd share...

It sure would be nice, but as you said, probably blowing smoke.


Well-Known Member
I will also believe it when I see it. On the other hand.. they may be bleeding more money from turnover and accidents. Does anyone know how much it costs to train a new courier?? Seems like that would get pretty expensive since they all leave after a month.