Farewell BrownCafe

  • Thread starter thisjobaintforeverybody
  • Start date


Retired 23 years
So, it's time for me to say goodbye to browncafe! @cheryl please delete my account! It's a sincere request! Take care!

It would be quicker if you flipped the bird, called a few posters the N word or the C word or compared them to an ape. Do that a few times and I'm sure your wish will be granted (and the rest of us will have some fun watching you self destruct).


It would be quicker if you flipped the bird, called a few posters the N word or the C word or compared them to an ape. Do that a few times and I'm sure your wish will be granted (and the rest of us will have some fun watching you self destruct).

Nope.. not going out like that!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I'll keep posting if it's not deleted that's the point! To hard to resist!