

I'm a star
A quick glance of that article tells me, you are not really arguing communism but the bass-ackwards evolution into state socialism of the Soviet Union, which wasn't communism and wasn't ever meant to be.

I think all these terms have been so over used, misused and co-opted, that the meaning of each is somewhat unclear. What I think of when people say communism is clearly not the same as philosophical communism. The problem with philosophical ("true") communism is that the only people who would fight to bring it into being would never actually allow true communism to exist, not that the system itself could ever work anyway.

Real communism is more akin to anarchy, which opposes government. But the problem with a lack of government is who decides what anyone's "fair share" is, and without a concerted effort to maintain communism, it is inevitable that a despot will take advantage of, particularly, young men who think they are shouldering most of the burden, and not getting what they deserve, by organizing them into a military force to seize control.

Political communism is about complete government control, which clearly is not the definition of philosophical communism, but is always where it ends up. The epitome of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.


Political communism is about complete government control, which clearly is not the definition of philosophical communism, but is always where it ends up. The epitome of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
That is what I tried to say in the last post. There were different factions of communism, some wanted immediate transition because they knew that an interim limited state would regress into a big state. Kropotkin for example.


I'm a star
Furthermore socialism is really an economic structure that requires a high degree of government control in order to function.

My understanding is that fascism is another form of authoritarian government where the needs of the state are elevated above the needs of the citizenry. Calling it a "right-wing" form of government goes against my understanding of what right-wing vs left-wing means.

My understanding is that on the far right of the government structures spectrum you have anarchy, no government whatsoever, and on the far left you have totalitarianism, complete government control. Many people conflate this with conservative vs liberal, which is a different spectrum all together.


Well-Known Member
Furthermore socialism is really an economic structure that requires a high degree of government control in order to function.

My understanding is that fascism is another form of authoritarian government where the needs of the state are elevated above the needs of the citizenry. Calling it a "right-wing" form of government goes against my understanding of what right-wing vs left-wing means.

My understanding is that on the far right of the government structures spectrum you have anarchy, no government whatsoever, and on the far left you have totalitarianism, complete government control. Many people conflate this with conservative vs liberal, which is a different spectrum all together.
Had a discussion years ago with a co-worker who was shocked to hear that Communism is the most Left on the political scale. In her mind anything authoritarian had to be on the right.


I'm a star
That is what I tried to say in the last post. There were different factions of communism, some wanted immediate transition because they knew that an interim limited state would regress into a big state. Kropotkin for example.

The lack of agreement on what these terms mean leads to misunderstanding in the political discourse. I believe most people agree with others on a lot more things than they think. It's just a matter of sorting out vocabulary.


Well-Known Member
Given Italian Fascism's pragmatic political amalgamations of left-wing and right-wing socio-economic policies, discontented workers and peasants proved an abundant source of popular political power, especially because of peasant opposition to socialist agricultural collectivism. Thus armed, the former socialist Benito Mussolini oratorically inspired and mobilized country and working-class people: "We declare war on socialism, not because it is socialist, but because it has opposed nationalism". Moreover, for campaign financing in the 1920–1921 period the National Fascist Party also courted the industrialists and (historically feudal) landowners by appealing to their fears of left-wing socialist and Bolshevik labor politics and urban and rural strikes. The Fascists promised a good business climate of cost-effective labor, wage and political stability; and the Fascist Party was en route to power
And he and his wife ended up strung up like pigs. The problem with any authoritarian regime is eventually it's about their power, their prestige, their wealth, not the people's. The exception might be Marshal Tito, who actually worked hard to make Yugoslavia prosper, but it fell apart anyways due to ethnic and religious divides.


Well-Known Member
And he and his wife ended up strung up like pigs. The problem with any authoritarian regime is eventually it's about their power, their prestige, their wealth, not the people's. The exception might be Marshal Tito, who actually worked hard to make Yugoslavia prosper, but it fell apart anyways due to ethnic and religious divides.
sounds like the american system.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Had a discussion years ago with a co-worker who was shocked to hear that Communism is the most Left on the political scale. In her mind anything authoritarian had to be on the right.
I agree with her somewhat ... the more centralized and authoritarian, the worse the government is! Communism is the worst form of government I know of.
The DemWits scare me with their authoritarian and centralized views.


Well-Known Member
Furthermore socialism is really an economic structure that requires a high degree of government control in order to function.

My understanding is that fascism is another form of authoritarian government where the needs of the state are elevated above the needs of the citizenry. Calling it a "right-wing" form of government goes against my understanding of what right-wing vs left-wing means.

My understanding is that on the far right of the government structures spectrum you have anarchy, no government whatsoever, and on the far left you have totalitarianism, complete government control. Many people conflate this with conservative vs liberal, which is a different spectrum all together.
no it doesnt. we want worker control, decentralized

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You don't want Socialism then ... but you can't understand.

Socialism doesn't go far enough for Ricky. He won't be happy until Bernie openly splits with the capitalist dogs and takes him on a second honeymoon to a commune in Russia where they'll plant vegetables on their little plots by day and cry out for the return of Stalin by night.

Most devout commie in the group gets a backstage pass for a candlelit dinner with Chris Hedges on his Russia Today set.


Well-Known Member
Socialism doesn't go far enough for Ricky. He won't be happy until Bernie openly splits with the capitalist dogs and takes him on a second honeymoon to a commune in Russia where they'll plant vegetables on their little plots by day and cry out for the return of Stalin by night.

Most devout commie in the group gets a backstage pass for a candlelit dinner with Chris Hedges on his Russia Today set.
when bernie first announced in 2015, worker control was on teh platform and i made a thread on BC about it.