FBI Raids Mar-a-lago


I'm a star
I would like to say that anti-trumpers learned something through this ordeal, but they didn't. They did prove to everyone else how quickly and happily they will jump on and swear to any anti-trump claim, regardless of how clearly false and absurd it may be.

Next Day Error

X - Other
I would like to say that anti-trumpers learned something through this ordeal, but they didn't. They did prove to everyone else how quickly and happily they will jump on and swear to any anti-trump claim, regardless of how clearly false and absurd it may be.
I'm just saying I trust the system to at least investigate if the evidence convinces a grand jury to investigate. Whatever happens, happens.


Well-Known Member
How many times does the FBI have to get caught manufacturing evidence and lying on warrant applications with no meaningful consequences before you would be willing to question the system?
How can anyone trust the system unless you're naive enough to think that the corruption in the DOJ will always only affect one side of the political spectrum. And if that is how you think then you're thought process is also filled with corruption.

Next Day Error

X - Other
How many times does the FBI have to get caught manufacturing evidence and lying on warrant applications with no meaningful consequences before you would be willing to question the system?
The system can have flaws (it does) and still work in the greater interest of law and order. Or do you believe that it's impossible for flawed people and flawed systems to make any meaningful difference and protect our society?


I'm a star
The system can have flaws (it does) and still work in the greater interest of law and order.
Who decides what's in the "greater interest of law and order"?

Or do you believe that it's impossible for flawed people and flawed systems to make any meaningful difference and protect our society?

I'd like to see s system of flawed people making mistakes from time to time. What we have is some people to whom the law, for all intents and purposes, does not apply. And you have people.cheering that on. You can't serve the greater purpose of law and order under those conditions, that's the exact opposite.

If anti-trumpers could let Trump off the hook (for being the most investigated person in history with nothing to show for it) as easily as you are willing to let repeat offenders off the hook, then I could start to accept your premise as possible.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Who decides what's in the "greater interest of law and order"?

I'd like to see s system of flawed people making mistakes from time to time. What we have is some people to whom the law, for all intents and purposes, does not apply. And you have people.cheering that on. You can't serve the greater purpose of law and order under those conditions, that's the exact opposite.

If anti-trumpers could let Trump off the hook (for being the most investigated person in history with nothing to show for it) as easily as you are willing to let repeat offenders off the hook, then I could start to accept your premise as possible.
Nothing to show for it?

No. Barr lied to the American people about that and you bought it for full price. Trump broke the law and didn’t pay the consequences. Impeachment was a slap on the wrist. I could go on.


Well-Known Member
The system can have flaws (it does) and still work in the greater interest of law and order. Or do you believe that it's impossible for flawed people and flawed systems to make any meaningful difference and protect our society?
Incompetence is a flaw. The FBI is not incompetent but corrupt.


All Trash No Trailer
The Federal police, also known as the FBI, has been weaponized against Biden's political enemies. No matter who's in power the FBI should remain neutral and impartial. If not they've been corrupted.
Your lot were firmly behind the FBI when they were investigating Hillary Clinton,
Now that they are investigating the Former Guy " The Federal police, also known as the FBI, has been weaponized against Biden's political enemies"............................. This is why there was no Red Wave. People are tired of the whining and crying everytime things dont go your way