FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
I think you hold a lot of residual anger when discussing FedEx that you project.

I don’t think we’re angry. At least I’m not. It’s just a different game now. Once you find the angle, there’s money to be made but the overall structure is a mess.
If you 're lucky enough to land in one of those little niches inside one of the many flaws within the system and can take advantage of it , that's fine. Trouble is Fat Freddy sees what you're doing, and it's draining him cash and will seek to do whatever it takes to stop it. So enjoy it while you can but don't plan on it going on for an extended period of time.


Well-Known Member
Not that hard to teach someone how to deliver a residential stop.
You would think that... but the quality of new hires/and their training is so bad that, even after months on road these new hires are still making costly mistakes.
A decent wage would make the job more competitive with more applicants... but right now the pickings are slim...


You would think that... but the quality of new hires/and their training is so bad that, even after months on road these new hires are still making costly mistakes.
A decent wage would make the job more competitive with more applicants... but right now the pickings are slim...
FedEx has painted themselves in a corner. They want to pay garbage wages and want top talent and work ethic. The real world just doesn't work that way.


Well-Known Member
FedEx has painted themselves in a corner. They want to pay garbage wages and want top talent and work ethic. The real world just doesn't work that way.
Many if not most have viewed Spencer Patton's sad plea for more money. However what many did not see was the video he put out a week later. In this video the interviewer he obviously hired was tossing Patton soft ball and obviously scripted questions designed to allow Patton to brag about himself how successful he is and how much better he does things and how much smarter he is than the rest and how a 4% return is beneath him and so on and so forth. All designed to fuel Spencer Patton's enormous ego.

The problem is that while his "hey look at me" self promotion video may have served it's purpose what it also served to do and it would appear that eh doesn't know it was to completely cancel out his plea for immediate and substantive rate relief. And as for his contractor convention coming up next month at the hotel....I'm sure the top shelf Vegas prostitutes already have that date marked on the calendar .

Nothing's coming out of the Spencer Patton fan club convention except to provide Raj and Fat Freddy with something to laugh at.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Many if not most have viewed Spencer Patton's sad plea for more money. However what many did not see was the video he put out a week later. In this video the interviewer he obviously hired was tossing Patton soft ball and obviously scripted questions designed to allow Patton to brag about himself how successful he is and how much better he does things and how much smarter he is than the rest and how a 4% return is beneath him and so on and so forth. All designed to fuel Spencer Patton's enormous ego.

The problem is that while his "hey look at me" self promotion video may have served it's purpose what it also served to do and it would appear that eh doesn't know it was to completely cancel out his plea for immediate and substantive rate relief. And as for his contractor convention coming up next month at the hotel....I'm sure the top shelf Vegas prostitutes already have that date marked on the calendar .

Nothing's coming out of the Spencer Patton fan club convention except to provide Raj and Fat Freddy with something to laugh at.


Staff member
Many if not most have viewed Spencer Patton's sad plea for more money. However what many did not see was the video he put out a week later. In this video the interviewer he obviously hired was tossing Patton soft ball and obviously scripted questions designed to allow Patton to brag about himself how successful he is and how much better he does things and how much smarter he is than the rest and how a 4% return is beneath him and so on and so forth. All designed to fuel Spencer Patton's enormous ego.

The problem is that while his "hey look at me" self promotion video may have served it's purpose what it also served to do and it would appear that eh doesn't know it was to completely cancel out his plea for immediate and substantive rate relief. And as for his contractor convention coming up next month at the hotel....I'm sure the top shelf Vegas prostitutes already have that date marked on the calendar .

Nothing's coming out of the Spencer Patton fan club convention except to provide Raj and Fat Freddy with something to laugh at.
How do you continue to miss the scope of the issue every single time? Do you really think FedEx will face zero repercussions if they continue down the path they’ve chosen?

You’re right about Spencer being a self promoter. Does that somehow change the strategy Raj should take to head off massive peak failures? Do you believe that Pittsburgh taking a hardline will somehow force contractors into profitability and excellence?

Wall Street Journal saw this coming months ago. We all did. It hasn’t gotten better. It may continue to only get worse. I can guarantee that it hasn’t ended and that Raj isn’t laughing.


Well-Known Member
Just go look at his follow up video and then try to convince me that it's not a direct contradiction and will not be used by Raj and Fat Freddy to counter his claims regarding the need for immediate rate relief. Not that Johnny Dollar Sign hasn't already taken him out and showed him what the bear has been doing in the woods lately.

And BTW quit try to use me in an effort to try to cover up the fact that you're the one who is actually jealous of Patton. I on the other hand will continue to be amused by your envy along with Patton's hypocrisy and knowing that Fat Freddy will have the last laugh.....He always does.


Well-Known Member
How do you continue to miss the scope of the issue every single time? Do you really think FedEx will face zero repercussions if they continue down the path they’ve chosen?

You’re right about Spencer being a self promoter. Does that somehow change the strategy Raj should take to head off massive peak failures? Do you believe that Pittsburgh taking a hardline will somehow force contractors into profitability and excellence?

Wall Street Journal saw this coming months ago. We all did. It hasn’t gotten better. It may continue to only get worse. I can guarantee that it hasn’t ended and that Raj isn’t laughing.
You guys continue to cling to the false hope that you're going to get your retribution come peak. You've never been able to get it in the past. What makes you think you're going to get it this year?

Come this peak, same as the others , they'll come around and toss a few additional crumbs contractors way. And just as it was in the past a few will balk but the cash strapped vast majority will take the deal. And the reason they take it is because it represents their best and last hope of surviving another year, leaving them with no other choice.

And you're you've been at this long enough to know that just like're a price taker....not a price maker.


Staff member
You guys continue to cling to the false hope that you're going to get your retribution come peak. You've never been able to get it in the past. What makes you think you're going to get it this year?

Come this peak, same as the others , they'll come around and toss a few additional crumbs contractors way. And just as it was in the past a few will balk but the cash strapped vast majority will take the deal. And the reason they take it is because it represents their best and last hope of surviving another year, leaving them with no other choice.

And you're you've been at this long enough to know that just like're a price taker....not a price maker.
Again. It’s not retribution. It’s simple economics. No money. No drivers. No fuel. No trucks. These are not manufactured conditions.


Well-Known Member
Again. It’s not retribution. It’s simple economics. No money. No drivers. No fuel. No trucks. These are not manufactured conditions.
But the economic losses the average contractor would incur are simply too great just to walk away. Fat Freddy and Raj will give them just enough to sign on the dotted line because they have no other choice. Oh yeah, a few will bolt or capitulate but a sufficient number will stay allowing Ground to get through peak relatively unscathed . it happens every year and this one will be no different.

Now the stock is down a bit this morning but still well above it's 50 and 100 day moving average. The money boys must still think Fats and Raj can weather the storm of contractor insurrection rather easily.


Well-Known Member
More power to the contractors together they have the power to effect a better deal or just take their assets elsewhere if it’s such a bad deal you just leave, what’s really pathetic is the other thread speculating if they will get a step increase, give it up and grow up you aren’t getting :censored2:.


Staff member
Now the stock is down a bit this morning but still well above it's 50 and 100 day moving average. The money boys must still think Fats and Raj can weather the storm of contractor insurrection rather easily
You may as well assert that the stock market is the economy. I wouldn’t doubt that Pittsburgh and Memphis believe that but it is a serious mistake.


Well-Known Member
You may as well assert that the stock market is the economy. I wouldn’t doubt that Pittsburgh and Memphis believe that but it is a serious mistake.
In the end....nothing will happen....Why?.....Fat Freddy has made it certain that nothing happens...He got you guys all fired up and more than willing to expand whether it made sense for you or not....Then what did he do?....Pulled the rate rug right out from under and shut off the cash pipeline....So here you are . Cash strapped...heavily leveraged...and trapped.

Notice how quiet Patton has suddenly become?


Staff member
In the end....nothing will happen....Why?.....Fat Freddy has made it certain that nothing happens...He got you guys all fired up and more than willing to expand whether it made sense for you or not....Then what did he do?....Pulled the rate rug right out from under and shut off the cash pipeline....So here you are . Cash strapped...heavily leveraged...and trapped.

Notice how quiet Patton has suddenly become?
In the world you think exists, continuing to lose money with no end in sight is better than bankruptcy? That’s just stupid.

And contractors aren’t that cash strapped. ERC and used vehicle prices combine to make a suitable exit.


Well-Known Member
In the world you think exists, continuing to lose money with no end in sight is better than bankruptcy? That’s just stupid.

And contractors aren’t that cash strapped. ERC and used vehicle prices combine to make a suitable exit.
I think what you’re failing to see is that raj, Fred don’t care if you fail. They see you’re failure as some other idiots opportunity. I’ve watched a lot of good people come and go at express. I’m at a ramp and we will bring a courier over for tractor trailer training and watch them leave. It’s a repetitive process and it seems to be working it’s way at ground. Threaten all you want but a union would be the only thing that would get fat boys attention. If you think I’m wrong just take a look at the pilot’s! They’ve lost nothing in my 25 years!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think what you’re failing to see is that raj, Fred don’t care if you fail. They see you’re failure as some other idiots opportunity. I’ve watched a lot of good people come and go at express. I’m at a ramp and we will bring a courier over for tractor trailer training and watch them leave. It’s a repetitive process and it seems to be working it’s way at ground. Threaten all you want but a union would be the only thing that would get fat boys attention. If you think I’m wrong just take a look at the pilot’s! They’ve lost nothing in my 25 years!
Contractor failure is much worse than normal employee turnover. Service tanks, customers are lost well before the contractor is replaced. It’s then followed up with terrible service for years as new companies try to get setup and often fail themselves. Raj and Fred should pay attention to that, perhaps they don’t see the results as that bad or they are ok with them. Who knows? If that’s how they want their golden goose of the Ground model to continue they’ll stay the course and everyone involved will make less money. It’s not the choice I’d make but I don’t have the data on the rampant service failures they do.


Staff member
I think what you’re failing to see is that raj, Fred don’t care if you fail. They see you’re failure as some other idiots opportunity. I’ve watched a lot of good people come and go at express. I’m at a ramp and we will bring a courier over for tractor trailer training and watch them leave. It’s a repetitive process and it seems to be working it’s way at ground. Threaten all you want but a union would be the only thing that would get fat boys attention. If you think I’m wrong just take a look at the pilot’s! They’ve lost nothing in my 25 years!
Nope. Not failing to see that at all. In fact, I don’t care if contractors succeed or fail. Continuing on at FedEx isn’t the definition of success.

And perhaps you can help me out here. Why do you and bacha think this is some kind of threat? It’s simply the condition of the model.

And I’m sorry, but a revolving door of contractors is not at all the same as a revolving door of drivers. The Midwest is ripe with contractor turnover and it causes huge problems.


Well-Known Member
You may as well assert that the stock market is the economy. I wouldn’t doubt that Pittsburgh and Memphis believe that but it is a serious mistake.
During my adult life, I have very much noticed over the years that when all the grinning news media shills and in-office politicians are stroking each other all about how fantastic the stock market is, the working-poor are doing worse than usual.


Well-Known Member
In the world you think exists, continuing to lose money with no end in sight is better than bankruptcy? That’s just stupid.

And contractors aren’t that cash strapped. ERC and used vehicle prices combine to make a suitable exit.
The concept of an collective contractor push for immediate rate relief is absurd and not going to happen The reason being is that in order to do so you have to have three components....Money.....Organization....Endurance.....Especially the last two. And you don't have them.