FedEx contractor revolt?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

For those who thought Spencer would lay low in fear of Raj and company…(looking at you @bacha29)🤣
Sounds like a real :censored2: storm on the horizon. I didn’t realize how badly ground contractors were being treated.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a real :censored2: storm on the horizon. I didn’t realize how badly ground contractors were being treated.
On a personal and professional level, FedEx has treated their contractors like wet garbage for a very long time.

Once upon a time for the most part the $ was worth the abuse, and the contractors cried all the way to the bank.

Now the treatment is worse, AND the $ is worse.

When the bottom falls out, Fred, Raj, and every other college-weenie will ignore those facts and bleat the narrative that goes something like: "laaabor shorrrtage weee neeed mooore werrrkers weee caaan't fiiind qualifiiiied werrrkers!"


Well-Known Member

For those who thought Spencer would lay low in fear of Raj and company…(looking at you @bacha29)🤣

Sooo you are in agreement with something on Fox News.

Did you suffer a blow to the head?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Zero. because there's no such thing as Fedex Ground stock. The only way that could happen is if it's spun off into it's own publicly traded company. Could it happen. Right now I wouldn't rule out anything.
As was thought. Your ambiguity is intentional, allowing you to change horses midstream, believing no one sees your wet pants. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
FedEx trying to squeeze margins to push up the stock price most investors have no idea what is going on within the company. FedEx is aging out running these less dense routes is a huge money loser


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a little late getting into this discussion, but is it possible Fedex is taking a cue from Amazon regarding how they treat their contractors? Its pretty clear Amazon treats contractors like dirt and discards them at a whim, and Fedex is watching this and saying "Hey, we can do that too!" Honestly while the contractor model has worked for all this time I never understood the idea of having a business with a single customer whom can make or break you on any given day.


Staff member
I know I'm a little late getting into this discussion, but is it possible Fedex is taking a cue from Amazon regarding how they treat their contractors? Its pretty clear Amazon treats contractors like dirt and discards them at a whim, and Fedex is watching this and saying "Hey, we can do that too!" Honestly while the contractor model has worked for all this time I never understood the idea of having a business with a single customer whom can make or break you on any given day.
I’d say that’s accurate. I’m not sure how well Amazon is getting away with it. I am pretty sure FedEx will have some rough seas ahead.


Well-Known Member
FedEx trying to squeeze margins to push up the stock price most investors have no idea what is going on within the company. FedEx is aging out running these less dense routes is a huge money loser
Exactly. They are taking a 1980's single market business plan and trying to adapt it to serve a multi market multi demographic American economy of the 2020's. You would think that these highly educated executives would be able to see just how obsolete the plan is and would be able to come up with a better plan that is designed for present day needs and challenges.

Oh, they could develop one if they were willing to spend the money but right now they think they can get by with the present operation and not have to. No sense trying to predict what will happen because behind that feces eating grin of Raj's has to be bleeding ulcer caliber worries.


Staff member

Looks like the conference is well attended. 4300 people 3500ish contractors.


Staff member
Just watched the livestream of Patton at the convention. The guy is an absolute game changing force and if Ground is smart, they’ll find a way to work with TALP. The possibilities are amazing.


Well-Known Member
Just watched the livestream of Patton at the convention. The guy is an absolute game changing force and if Ground is smart, they’ll find a way to work with TALP. The possibilities are amazing.
Don't get your hopes up. FedEx views TALP as a union and we all know how much FedEx hates unions.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Just watched the livestream of Patton at the convention. The guy is an absolute game changing force and if Ground is smart, they’ll find a way to work with TALP. The possibilities are amazing.
That would be the smart thing to do, which is what makes me nervous.


Well-Known Member
Just watched the livestream of Patton at the convention. The guy is an absolute game changing force and if Ground is smart, they’ll find a way to work with TALP. The possibilities are amazing.
Sam, the man has no leverage. He can put on the best stage show Vegas has to offer, with dancing girls and live animal acts but he still has no leverage. The only way he's going to get what he wants for himself and other contractors is through the courts.

And just as we saw with the multi state FDX will hammer it with motions and requests for summary judgement taking up years and tons of money which understand I don't want to see it happen but past history clearly shows that FDX will not do anything they believe to be contrary to it's interests unless the courts order them to and I don't see anything different happening in this matter as well.

The only effective course of action would be a massive scale downsizing by contractors down to the smallest level that they can get to resisting efforts by management to threaten or blackmailing them into covering routes that have never been profitable and never will be profitable. They simple had no idea as to just how expansive, mountainous, poorly accessible, sparsely populated and appallingly depressed rural America actually is.... until now.....and they don't know what to do about it.


Staff member
Don't get your hopes up. FedEx views TALP as a union and we all know how much FedEx hates unions.
Lol. Don’t start that talk. We’re all still in the gallows with the noose around our necks. That hasn’t changed. TALP is already promoting palpable savings for members. I would bet that they’ll have at least 3000 members by early September when voting begins.


Staff member
Sam, the man has no leverage. He can put on the best stage show Vegas has to offer, with dancing girls and live animal acts but he still has no leverage. The only way he's going to get what he wants for himself and other contractors is through the courts.

And just as we saw with the multi state FDX will hammer it with motions and requests for summary judgement taking up years and tons of money which understand I don't want to see it happen but past history clearly shows that FDX will not do anything they believe to be contrary to it's interests unless the courts order them to and I don't see anything different happening in this matter as well.

The only effective course of action would be a massive scale downsizing by contractors down to the smallest level that they can get to resisting efforts by management to threaten or blackmailing them into covering routes that have never been profitable and never will be profitable. They simple had no idea as to just how expansive, mountainous, poorly accessible, sparsely populated and appallingly depressed rural America actually is.... until now.....and they don't know what to do about it.
I think you see this organizing (which you say doesn’t exist) as a union. It really isn’t. He’s done his homework and has substantial money saving agreements already in place. Probably things FedEx should have put in place years ago.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Don’t start that talk. We’re all still in the gallows with the noose around our necks. That hasn’t changed. TALP is already promoting palpable savings for members. I would bet that they’ll have at least 3000 members by early September when voting begins.
We're all in the gallows but don't forget this Corp is playing both sides. Employees and contractors. Network 2.0 plan isn't set in stone and could go either way.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you, but I couldn't care less about who Ground contractors hire to drive their trucks and deliver their freight. Neither do customers.
I can’t even begin to fathom how miserable your life must be. You really better be high up the food chain in Memphis with all the time you spend here belittling FedEx employees and talking down to them like they’re dirt. You‘re a miserable little man.