FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
FedEx has been lying about 08’s forever. At heavyweight management would routinely scan incomplete shipments as 08’s, if they had no drivers bulk shipments would be 08’s. If they would be late dispatch would contact customer,get a name and code a Dex 17.


Well-Known Member
I think Patton is a blatantly cocky and driven individual. Narcissistic? Most likely. When money has become easy, even blasé, then power becomes the passion. Rich and famous is one thing. Powerful has its own itch that’s never satisfied with some.

That’s not to say I think he’ll go into politics but that wouldn’t surprise me either. I’d say he likely gets a rush playing a role in this real life corporate Game of Thrones.

He’s made no secret that his TALP organization has begun with FedEx contractors but his ambition is to move to Amazon contractors as well. To be honest, if Amazon were smart where Pittsburgh was foolish, they’d start picking up what Patton is
laying down and embrace a symbiotic relationship.

Bacha and others see this as a disastrous ending to a fledgling movement. I think that’s naive.
Two facts remain. First, FXG contracting is no longer an investable venture. Right now you could buy a simple utility stock with your money and come away with more to show for it. Better off investing in a dump truck and a backhoe. This way you'll always have work.

Secondly, where once FXG turned off 18% operating margins on a nearly sure bet annual basis it's now down in the 8% range and looking to go lower. The question therefore is how long will the board including the 3 new directors continue to stand around watching the contingency leeches bleed the OPCO and their share value until they demand a solution? And rest assured they're not going to care what form the solution takes or you gets hurt in the process.

It would appear that Johnny Dollar Sign doesn't realize that what he's the head off is without question the poorest setup in the history of wheeled transportation. In addition both he and the entire OPCO has never shown the proper respect to the people that he and his company have asked to invest their own hard earned money in. Yet here he is cuffing around and slapping around the few remaining contractors at a time when he desperately needs new money and new people willing to invest in an investment vehicle that hasn't been investable for at least the last 2 years.

And now with the economy teetering on a recession, the cost of borrowed money quickly rising, the federal support in the form of tax credits and COVID coming to an end and more contractors cutting their losses and leaving all I can say is ," Good luck Johnny Dollar Sign. Just remember, you wanted in there badly enough".


Well-Known Member
if Amazon were smart where Pittsburgh was foolish, they’d start picking up what Patton is
laying down and embrace a symbiotic relationship.
Amazon and FedEx desk-jockey corporate weenies and their toadies don't want a "symbiotic relationship." Because a relationship of that type requires a measure of affirmation, mutual respect, and equality.

They worship and bow to a carefully crafted facade of a worldview they must maintain and protect while holding down chairs in climate controlled offices, and getting high on their own farts. As has been demonstrated many times, any rumblings of discontent or concern from peasants like us barely induces anything more than smug indifference.

Patton is now the de-facto leader of FedEx Ground box donkeys. As the corporate-critters mentioned above do not like Patton, the old adage "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" applies.

I believe that Patton will not slink away. He has the resources to continue rattling the cages, and poking the tigers. He may be seeking nothing but vengeance.

FedEx can't continue on it's current path. So far, it shows no signs of change as to the very real problem of how they regard their contractors and couriers. I think Patton's influence and pot-stirring may cause the last solid beam of Freddy's rotten, termite farm of a teetering structure to buckle.


Well-Known Member
Suing Patton is expected from old school, union busting Southern minded FedEx. At least it will bring a lot more public attention to the problem.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
My business customers can’t stand Fed Ex ground. The service has been bad. The truck in my area sounds like a Mercury Marquis Brougham with no muffler!


Well-Known Member
Of course this is a bully corporate mindset. They will use resources to protect their rigid, one sided contract and model, yet not towards enhancing their network partnerships. Making a contract more fluid to be able to pivot and react to extraordinary circumstances would prove to be beneficial and strengthen the system. How many times we as contractors had to sign amendment after amendment throughout the contractual year whenever they sought necessary. Yet when it goes the other way, it's viewed as a breach of contract

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Lol. You read that as crying? I doubt it. I don’t think Patton has ever had to worry about money.
Just going by what he's saying. It's not about money.

What is it that people strive for once money is boring?
No one doubts that he's bright and has had a lot of success. Being one of the largest Ground contractors in the country and being "the guy" who was going to lead other contractors into battle with FDX was a big deal to him and those who believed in him. FedEx took his routes, said they weren't going to negotiate with third parties, and filed a lawsuit (that may not amount to anything) against him.

He's reeling. He did not expect anything like this. It's not about money, but about whatever purpose he had for himself and having it vaporized.


Well-Known Member
Except FedEx has claimed for years to customers and the general public that its non union workforce was more stable than UPS Teamsters. That's clearly not the case
Mak, the one thing you cannot have on a delivery/pickup route are transitional employees. The disparity between the value contractors/FXG demands from route drivers and what they offer in return is only going to get you transitional workers. People hanging out on a route until that better job ( and that won't take much) comes along.

The RPS?FXG contractor system is now 37 years old. How much longer do people like Dano think it can hang on in it's current form?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Mak, the one thing you cannot have on a delivery/pickup route are transitional employees. The disparity between the value contractors/FXG demands from route drivers and what they offer in return is only going to get you transitional workers. People hanging out on a route until that better job ( and that won't take much) comes along.

The RPS?FXG contractor system is now 37 years old. How much longer do people like Dano think it can hang on in it's current form?

They don't care. Trucking has always been a "here today, gone tomorrow" business with a high bankruptcy rate ever since the beginning. And when one carrier went under.....two or three or more were right there to take over. And this situation is no different.

Big or small they come and go and the freight still keeps on moving. If there is a recession there will be enough surplus capacity readily available to handle just about anything that could happen at Fat Freddy's barn.
ROTFLMAO, all from this very discussion.