FedEx contractor revolt?

You don’t have to follow the DRO routing. We have decent control over it anyway, if you don’t use the program as they intend it to be used. It has many other problems.

It is supposed to balance the load inside a truck by assigning shelf load positions for everything. Fairly often it won’t assign anything to multiple shelves and blow out the other ones. No one has been able to figure that out for me. I don’t make any changes but the program just does that some days. It’s trash software.
disagree on the control part, we have to manipulate the software to the extreme to get anything close to a functional result. dro seems like it was built with the idea of sticking joe shmo on a truck after 2 days of training and him being able to brain dead brute force his way to route completion. Were now 2 years into this bull:censored2: and it is still worse than the old system and updates are now starting to bog down the scanner speed to the point certain scanner types (t26 and fz-t1s) are no longer even really usable on anything but low density rural routes.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yes, fedex sucks!!! My point being , your pension would be in big trouble without bailout!!! I was smart enough to to burry my 401k for 32 yrs and will be fine😀
It was largely government deregulation of the trucking industry that hurt the pension funds, that and forcing us into multi employer funds, along with mismanagement. It was the least they could do. Our pay and benefits are miles ahead of yours!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
It was largely government deregulation of the trucking industry that hurt the pension funds, that and forcing us into multi employer funds, along with mismanagement. It was the least they could do. Our pay and benefits are miles ahead of yours!!!!!!
Yes, but unfortunately fedex has outsmarted the teamsters , and we still sit here getting screwed, because of the RLA.


Well-Known Member
Ground contractors in revolt, Express unable to deliver with new software so Freddy calls CNBS and says push the stock:

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Sure buddy, you know his main business is selling routes, right? How does publicly complaining about negative profit margins sell routes? No doubt the company talking points are what you’re claiming, but any reasonable person will laugh at the court filing, it’s ridiculous. The suit itself sowed far more discontent than Spencer ever did.
This isn't difficult to grasp.

His revenues and what he can charge for his services are dependent on the perceived values of routes; the desirability of owning routes are dependent on their perceived value (as is the selling price and the size of his cut); the general need or appeal of what he offers is dependent on the perceived value of routes.

He's conducted as much of this in public as he has with extreme claims as his attempt at forcing the company's hand to better compensate Ground contractors, which in turn benefits him. That's fine by me as I don't have a dog in the fight, but he's made specific quantifiable claims that one side or the other should be able to easily document as true or false.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It's you that have no clue. There's a reason the old man didn't have Ground delivering Express freight up until a few years ago. You think they just suddenly had an epiphany that they could profit more by charging Express rates and having Ground deliver? 😂
At least you spell RLA correctly, I'll give you that much.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This isn't difficult to grasp.

His revenues and what he can charge for his services are dependent on the perceived values of routes; the desirability of owning routes are dependent on their perceived value (as is the selling price and the size of his cut); the general need or appeal of what he offers is dependent on the perceived value of routes.

He's conducted as much of this in public as he has with extreme claims as his attempt at forcing the company's hand to better compensate Ground contractors, which in turn benefits him. That's fine by me as I don't have a dog in the fight, but he's made specific quantifiable claims that one side or the other should be able to easily document as true or false.
Sounds like you haven’t actually read the complaint. FedEx is claiming he created a fictional crisis to drive customers to his consulting services. It makes no mention of the value of routes for sale. I mentioned the route sales because that makes a lot more money than he charges for consultant help.

Again, I’ll repeat the complaint is only compelling if you’re an idiot.