FedEx contractor revolt?

What is more concerning to the company? 3500 contractors making noise or 3500 contractors suddenly silent? Nobody believes that the underlying issues have been addressed.
local rumor is sm's are to identify dissenters and report them up the chain. local service has also fallen to the 97-98% level every day the last 2 weeks guess we get to be the next failing terminal.


Staff member
local rumor is sm's are to identify dissenters and report them up the chain. local service has also fallen to the 97-98% level every day the last 2 weeks guess we get to be the next failing terminal.
Lol. Not even sure what a dissenter is.


Staff member
Curious what contractors think of this :
I’d say he’s being as honest as possible with whatever information he has.

My hesitation is that when FedEx speaks of future successes, everything is always “18 months away”. And in that time, more problems inevitably crop up. We’re still waiting for DRO (same as DRA I believe) inaccuracies to be worked out afte about two years. The problems keep piling up and the solutions continue to confound the company or are pushed off for the contractors to solve.


Well-Known Member
I was impressed how much money and power he has, he has 7k subscribers on his channel and that has to be all contractors.


Well-Known Member
I’d say he’s being as honest as possible with whatever information he has.

My hesitation is that when FedEx speaks of future successes, everything is always “18 months away”. And in that time, more problems inevitably crop up. We’re still waiting for DRO (same as DRA I believe) inaccuracies to be worked out afte about two years. The problems keep piling up and the solutions continue to confound the company or are pushed off for the contractors to solve.
Why is DRO an issue? Are you required to run it? If so that's just another sign you aren't independent but just another employee.


Well-Known Member
I’d say he’s being as honest as possible with whatever information he has.

My hesitation is that when FedEx speaks of future successes, everything is always “18 months away”. And in that time, more problems inevitably crop up. We’re still waiting for DRO (same as DRA I believe) inaccuracies to be worked out afte about two years. The problems keep piling up and the solutions continue to confound the company or are pushed off for the contractors to solve.
There were never any fixes to DRA that I know of,(after numerous suggestions). Why would they fix DRO or E* for that matter?


Staff member
Why is DRO an issue? Are you required to run it? If so that's just another sign you aren't independent but just another employee.
Ummmmm. No.

The argument would be that it’s a tool for contractors to plan and dispatch routes more efficiently. The problem is with available data. Old adage applies: “garbage in, garbage out”.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmm. No.

The argument would be that it’s a tool for contractors to plan and dispatch routes more efficiently. The problem is with available data. Old adage applies: “garbage in, garbage out”.
Yeah I know it's garbage. FedEx came up with it. My question is why would contractors even entertain the use of a garbage software program?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I would think you have the ability to tell your drivers to run the routes as efficiently as possible and disregard DRO. Am i wrong?
You don’t have to follow the DRO routing. We have decent control over it anyway, if you don’t use the program as they intend it to be used. It has many other problems.

It is supposed to balance the load inside a truck by assigning shelf load positions for everything. Fairly often it won’t assign anything to multiple shelves and blow out the other ones. No one has been able to figure that out for me. I don’t make any changes but the program just does that some days. It’s trash software.