FedEx contractor revolt?


Well-Known Member
You didn't address the point. Another non-responsive answer from you.

Certainly the economy can tolerate it, the covid shut down is proof.

The question is would their customers tolerate it. I only sad two days as a reference point, it wasn't a time limit.

How long would ground allow the work stopage to go on with out pleaing for a settlement?
The bully hasn't been hit in the nose yet, let's see how he reacts when he is.
" Everybody has a plan.....until they get punched in the mouth".....Mike Tyson.

All it takes is for 4 things to happen:

1. Loaded trailers pileup at hubs and terminals waiting to be unloaded or moved.

2. Boxes piled to the ceiling because nobody's there to haul them out the final mile. X might be able to respond to some of the
backup but not all of it especially if there's an early onset of winter and there are no takers for domiciled contracts for domiciled
money because even if the routes are just handed to you it still takes a big stack of cash just to get setup to go.

3..The loss of major national accounts due to failure to meet service requirements.

4 And a bad Q1 earnings report to get the ball moving.

And don't need to be too big to fail....just big enough.

And BTW the stock fell another 2+% today as Citi Bank downgraded it to neutral as if falls below both it's 50 day and 200 day
moving average as one analysist said that the only hope for it would be an unexplained bounce.


Well-Known Member
2. Boxes piled to the ceiling because nobody's there to haul them out the final mile.
Many years ago, I saw this happen on only a micro level.

A contractor abandoned a stinker of a route that serviced a military base.

The boxes piled up. Management begged other contractors to take the boxes. Nobody bit, cuz everybody knew.

What followed was six disastrous months of a perpetually changing cast of temp-agency stooges in a U-Haul.

FedEx came to their senses and decided to pay an established contractor an agreeable settlement to solve the problem.

Like magic, peace and prosperity immediately returned to the realm.

Now this is happening on a much larger scale. And the great, ponderous heads of FedEx respond by doubling down on stupid.


Staff member

The whole point of the lawsuit is that he's making dubious and outright false claims to sow discontent and is using the media to help do so (for the benefit of his businesses).
But he isn’t and the company knows it. It’s been the subject of countless round tables with VP’s of the company.


Well-Known Member
I'm smart enough to know that an economy that can tolerate a two week shutdown of the largest package carrier can tolerate a two day shutdown of a smaller one.
That was 25 years ago Dano. A lot has changed over the course of a generation. RPS/Caliber was a small B to B operation. Today Fat's has expanded it into numerous new and additional markets and those markets have expectations and are only going to put up with a limited amount of excuses and outright deception.
Now what happens at 12:01 AM on 8-01-2023 could along with many other potential events have a profound impact on what will shape the industry going forward. If the Teamsters walk I expect Biden to do what Clinton did during the last strike....nothing.

And if there is a strike sure there will be companies looking to X as a temporary alternative but as long as X especially Ground remains in it's current form the second rate , second tier operation it is, they will be going back to UPS just as soon as the ink hits the paper especially now that it has a better understanding of the God awful mess it is.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
After seeing some of FedEx's lawyers work in another matter -- they probably did rope in a couple PR interns to write it.
They follow the same pay model for their lawyers as everything else, lowest bidder. They don’t have the best.

The dumbest part of the filing is their counter to the fact that contractors profitability is decreasing. They state the average revenue of contracts. Revenue doesn’t matter if costs are higher than revenue. It’s only in there for public consumption to make contractors look like fat cats. It’s been in all their PR responses so far.


Well-Known Member
Kevin Rutherford on Let’s Truck just reported the size of Patton’s empire besides the routes he brokers many times that,and also has truck lease business. FedEx is in trouble of course none of the financial media will be quiet on Freddy’s influence.


Staff member
What is more concerning to the company? 3500 contractors making noise or 3500 contractors suddenly silent? Nobody believes that the underlying issues have been addressed.