fedex earnings up 40%


monte carlo 11 and 12
Easy big guy! Express trucks are out delivering pkgs at least 1 hour before you even get to your truck in the AM. Fedex Ground drivers start even earlier. There is no doubt that UPS handles many more "ground packages" than Fedex Ground. If It makes you feel better, Fedex Corp made a statement that there Ground divisions volume will more than double by the end of 2008. Still a drop in the bucket compared to UPS, but at least there working on giving you some room in your package car.


adirondack man
I get a kick out of how these ups people can't admit FDX is kicking their butt. We are on a roll, and this is just the beginniing. I hope you guys don't have another disasterous quarter, don't know how your company can afford you high priced drivers. Thats going to change the years to come the Union is going to ask for concessions for you guys to stay competitive. Thats when the fireworks will begin.
UPS paid more for OVERNITE than fedx makes in a year.Now thats when you can tell the big dogs from the pups:lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Thats a good one. Thats not going to happen when our ground volume is up almost a million a day. Where is this comming from...its not all from the usps?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
before fedex, RPS volume was about 1 million a day. Today, Fedex ground volume is 2 million a day....respectible, yes, but nothing close to ups. How long has fedex owned RPS, 7or 8 years. It took that long to go up 1 million pkgs. And fedex is saying the volume is going to double in less that a year and a half. ..unlikely. Im not sure what dhl ground volumes are now. They bought airborne what, 2 years ago. I dont think their volume has gone up that much. Not sure what airborne was delivering per day maybe you can look that up. It comes down to one thing. Ups is gaining faster into your air volume than fedex is gaining into ups ground volume. Ups (and maybe fedex...not sure) are gaining into the post office volume. I see it daily as the "basic service" Not really sure about dhl, there doesnt seem to be much on them. I know they lost 700-800 million in groung a few months ago. What does that tell you. I dont have fedex ground on my route..its the home guy. He is a spaz...he makes your company look like ****. Maybe once fedex ground becomes union some of the ups guys will jump ship and start delivering for the purple haze. Good money less packages...sounds good. Maybe we might be coworkers. I would take a pay cut to be able to worlk an 8 hour day with union benefits. peace


Telling it like it is
I dont have fedex ground on my route..its the home guy. He is a spaz...he makes your company look like ****.

:lol: every FedEx home delivery guy I have come in contact with is the same way. The one that drives around here is delivering at 9pm in the summertime and I swear to god he had a headlight out for months. He gets out of the truck and runs like a gazelle to deliver the package and then I see him stopped somewhere else in the neighborhood yakking with people standing around eating BBQ like he is in no hurry.


Well-Known Member
vioce, thyats how fedex "strings" these fools in.They get the "down and out" meth addicts who think they are going to get rich via fedex. Most of the home guys arent making hardly any money and are usually the ones in rural areas. the guy on my route drives 200 plus miles for half the amount of stops and pkgs that I have. I have counted 10 ups drivers areas that this one guy covers. If these guys turn union, fedex will be loosing big money in these areas....they have no density. I know they are just trying to make a living, but the real problem lies with cheepo Fred S and his cronies.


monte carlo 11 and 12
Coldworld, Fedex Ground is doing a little over 3 million a day, not 2. And yes, Fedex Corp is saying that number will more than double by the end of 2008. Fedex Ground is going after some high volume accounts and with there new and expanding network, claim they can and will move goods more efficiently, cutting at least one day off transit times from there competitors. I think were already seeing that in most, if not all US markets.


Well-Known Member
if thats the case, dont you think that your express unit is just going to keep on shrinking. You might not have a job in 2008. Hell, give it to fedex ground, they can get it there cross country in 1 day. Fred S would rather pay a contractor crap than pay a fedex express employee 20 dollars an hour and benefits. Dude, you might not want to believe that but it isnt totally impossible.Go to fedexexaminer, its been happening the whole time. Planes are EXPENSIVE to operate. Pilots, etc. Might as well give it to a fedex ground double tractor trailer team for pennies. Think about it, Do you think all the ground volume is comming from ups, I dont think so. Its also comming from fedex express. HaHa, hey maybe we can both go work for DHL when we both lose our jobs. Hmmmm, co-workers.


golden ticket member
Today, I sold my FDX stock. I paid $110 for it and sold at $113.16, so I did OK. I had to watch it go to $99 and that was a little nerve wracking.

Took the proceeds and bought all Starbuck's stock. I had been waiting for a day when FDX was up and Starbucks was way happened earlier this morning. It was like waiting for 2 planets in the universe to cross paths.

I'm comfortable with my decision. :) After all, I AM Starbucks #1 customer!!


Well-Known Member
I recently read where Fedex (all services) peak day volume will be roughly 1/2 of UPS's daily average volume. You got along way to go brand ex.


New Member
You guys are funny! You act as if your getting a higher percent of the profits.....Fact is the fat cats on the top rung of that corporate ladder UPS FEDEX or whom ever will see a higher income...Not you poor slobs who bust your buts and have a lower pension and higher health care cost .........hmmmm if both are making serious money....Were is it?


New Member
Im just waiting to find out who gets bought out first......Mgmt has been shaking that apple tree just dying for people to quit....Cant run 3 trucks in the same neighborhood for ever.......I spoke with a DHL driver the other day around X-Mas and she is on straight salary..400.00 a week regardless how many hours she works..She was quitting that night.....They all do it cause they can