FedEx Ground


Staff member
You were one of the guys who ridiculed and belittled me when after 23 years of servitude to X seeing that the future rewards would not justify continued subjugation to a company that controlled everything while parading me in front of the public as being an "entrepreneur", I had enough. The final straw came when in order to continue to do" business" and in open defiance of the I law had to be willing to bow to their demand to access my personal financial records as they pertained to my "doing business"
with FedEx Ground and when they did audit and I asked them to show me the rule of law that permitted them to do this they just stood there in silence because no such rule existed but then again they think the law doesn't apply to them. So GT if you don't like getting a taste of your own medicine too bad.
What personal financial records are you talking about? Last I knew, numbers are not involved and a CPA certifies that I am treating my employees as employees and paying taxes etc. Now if certain crappy contractors hadn't been running their operations fast and loose with the law, X wouldn't require these checks, would they?


Well-Known Member
You were one of the guys who ridiculed and belittled me when after 23 years of servitude to X seeing that the future rewards would not justify continued subjugation to a company that controlled everything while parading me in front of the public as being an "entrepreneur", I had enough. The final straw came when in order to continue to do" business" and in open defiance of the I law had to be willing to bow to their demand to access my personal financial records as they pertained to my "doing business"
with FedEx Ground and when they did audit and I asked them to show me the rule of law that permitted them to do this they just stood there in silence because no such rule existed but then again they think the law doesn't apply to them. So GT if you don't like getting a taste of your own medicine too bad.
When do I ridicule you. We will all call out terrible judgement calls and decisions but unless you start going after me on personal attacks I leave it at that. You and bounty will make a point to talk about all of us as scum of society who are doing everything we can to be unethical just because you know other contractors that do it that way. You know nothing about any of us on this board or how we run our business, so stop saying that you know for a fact. You don't know for a fact anything that someone else does.
Most of us don't go out and say how :censored2:ty of a person you are.
You got out, power to you. I'll question decisions you talk about as will everyone about me but have no reason to talk about how YOU truly are.
If you want to keep doing it that's fine but it doesn't belong here.


Well-Known Member
Just taking your snide and immature remarks and directing them right back at you. If you can't take it as well as handing it out then stop doing it. I and I know Bounty will continue to offer rebuttals to your efforts to project the image of FXG in a manner far more glorious and positive than what they are deserving of. You are one of the ones who appointed yourself to the tribunal that charged itself with the task of standing in judgement of the decisions I made during my time as a X contractor. I'm simply returning the favor. Clearly you find it hurtful. A clear testament to your need to start maturing as an individual.


Well-Known Member
Yeah maturity is my problem.

If you want to choose not to drop and keep coming that is on you. Everyone else reading to try to get insite I apologize to you. Look at the people that have no substance and no idea what a successful multi route contractor can do and instead just resorts to name calling and character demeaning since they don't have actual experience in the type of contracting that is now mandatory. If you are wanting to take your information from someone that got in day 1 and out of touch and demonstrated more than questionable judgement calls buying into rural areas with negative economic impacts driven by one industry feel free.


Well-Known Member
Whoa Bucko you are the one who started the character assassinations and name calling. Furthermore X is NATIONWIDE carrier. Whether it's me or someone else, somebody has to go out to those depressed rural areas and try to operate successfully in the face of a failing local economy with a shrinking population that is ageing and more everyday going on fixed incomes with far less discretionary income. When I explained what it was like to operate in that environment you were one of the first ones to jump on the ridicule bandwagon. You were clearly surprised when I verbally hit back and I will continue to do so until you learn to respect the guys who went out there on day 1 with no promises and no knowledge of whether the service would be operational in 30 days let alone 30 years, regardless of whether or not you have the character qualities needed to do so.


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of respect for plenty of people. Have no reason to give it to someone like you. You took a free route that you were at for almost 2.5 decades and made out just fine. I don't owe you anything, if it wasn't you it would have been someone else, then someone else, then someone else. You got your own reward with a cheap route I am not going to respect you for it. If things hadn't changed guess what, I wouldn't have bought any routes. Just like everyone else we are not forced to invest into this, and if things still were "terrible conditions" I wouldn't have been interested.

By your own information you say how bad it was back then and how much you were "mistreated". If that is the case and you took it for 23 years, it sounds to me like you are a pushover and a doormat. Many of the reasons I have no interest in bowing down or feeling the need to praise you, what you feel should be entitled to you.


Well-Known Member
GT you're just unhappy about the fact that someone took you to task over the glib and caustic remarks that you handed out in abundance. I will continue to do so for as long as you persist. First of all RPS came to the place I was working and wanted to know if I would be willing to leave where was I happily at and join an upstart operation that offered no promises, no guarantees.No doubt there were Day1's at your terminal that did the same. The core difference is found in the fact that you IWBF and others idolize that company. While Bounty, myself and an equal number of others incurred experiences that tells a completely different story. I know that there is some resentment over the fact that the Day1's got their routes for free. BUT as I explained earlier at the beginning we had no good will and no proprietary rights and everybody had just one route Those conditions would still be in effect today if it were not for the fact that ONLY and I mean ONLY under threat of an Internal Revenue Lawsuit did RPS/FXG grudgingly grant those rights, rights you now enjoy and RPS/X propagandizes. I remember the 1997 UPS strike. CNN was talking to Ivan Hoffman who went to great lengths to promote those same limited rights without saying a word about the fact that his company used every means possible not to have to grant them. Furthermore in an effort to cover up what they had been doing they tried to back date our starting date by more than a year. That's the mindset of that company. Instead of giving you enough money to allow you to offer an employer paid health plan rather than dump it onto your drivers spouses employers or onto the taxpayers they are always out there spending millions in order to test the boundaries of the law or skirt it all together.


Well-Known Member
no resentment at all. I'm glad people can make money when they are done and get out. I also agree with you at the end of what you posted like I have on numerous things you have posted. I enjoy hearing other sides as long as it is leaving out the personal aspect. Btw just for the heck of it I pulled up your first posts to see what I said and if you would like to check up on that I never went after you personally at all until much much later when after you had called us bottom feeders many of times amongst other things.

Btw since you had brought up stock points rather frequently have you noticed the 30% uptick on Ground revenue over the last quarter ballooning to over 4.41B as well as only losing 19% net income over settling the 19 lawsuits and other things. Not bad to gain 3.5-4B in the matter of an hour. I guess investors will be backing off a bit for a moment on the Ground side.


Well-Known Member
Bsam: Read your contract. As part of "doing business" with X you had to grant them the right to audit your payroll records. This goes above and beyond the annual compliance addendum. The privacy of your payroll records are private information protected by law. Two years ago I received a letter sent registered mail giving me a limited amount of time to turn over my payroll records for the previous 3 years. This was clearly a fishing expedition trying to find out how much I was paying myself and any employees. No doubt they were disappointed to find out that I was the 1 and only employee. When I demanded that they produce the specific rule of law that granted them the right to demand that information they provided nothing because it doesn't but they still require that you forfeit your right under law to protect the privacy of your financial records as they pertain to "doing business". They claimed that those records would remain "confidential" Yeah right. It would remain confidential through as many tiers of management as it would travel up through to get to the people who wanted information that would impact future settlement rates. So Bsam if you signed it they will get around to you sooner or later.


Well-Known Member
Good points GT If you get a chance look at what is going on at United Airlines. The president and CEO Oscar Munoz on the job for 6 months and just back from a heart transplant on his first day has to do battle with a proxy battle launched by hedge fund managers. Those are the people who if they control enough stock can change the objectives and strategies of a company overnight. In the case of X when the founder and CEO is 74 and has 10 kids to 2 different women all you can do is hope that there is a good estate plan laying around some where and God help you if more than one emerges and conflict with one another.


Well-Known Member
Bsam: Read your contract. As part of "doing business" with X you had to grant them the right to audit your payroll records. This goes above and beyond the annual compliance addendum. The privacy of your payroll records are private information protected by law. Two years ago I received a letter sent registered mail giving me a limited amount of time to turn over my payroll records for the previous 3 years. This was clearly a fishing expedition trying to find out how much I was paying myself and any employees. No doubt they were disappointed to find out that I was the 1 and only employee. When I demanded that they produce the specific rule of law that granted them the right to demand that information they provided nothing because it doesn't but they still require that you forfeit your right under law to protect the privacy of your financial records as they pertain to "doing business". They claimed that those records would remain "confidential" Yeah right. It would remain confidential through as many tiers of management as it would travel up through to get to the people who wanted information that would impact future settlement rates. So Bsam if you signed it they will get around to you sooner or later.
No matter how they want to slice it, current contractors are not entrepreneurs or independent. Bbsam wants to tell you that X can audit him for compliance and how he really thinks he's negotiating a contract with X. I find it hilarious. I know down deep he's smarter than that, but see he must protect the scam. If I went forward investing in this, I would try to make believe I was an entrepreneur too.


Well-Known Member
Good points GT If you get a chance look at what is going on at United Airlines. The president and CEO Oscar Munoz on the job for 6 months and just back from a heart transplant on his first day has to do battle with a proxy battle launched by hedge fund managers. Those are the people who if they control enough stock can change the objectives and strategies of a company overnight. In the case of X when the founder and CEO is 74 and has 10 kids to 2 different women all you can do is hope that there is a good estate plan laying around some where and God help you if more than one emerges and conflict with one another.
Not something I am planning on needing to worry about as long as he keeps kicking for just a few more years. I like what I do but bigger plans are on the horizon.


Well-Known Member
GT thanks for the heads up about the 8K filing.The dollar figure they are talking about is 204 million pending court approval . That seems a little light for 19 states given that Ca alone got 228 million.However based on the prevailing mindset it would appear that all parties want this thing to just go away especially given that there are 53 open seats on the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals. Nominations have been sent to the Senate but no action. The nomination of Merrick Garland an appeals court judge isn't the only nomination that will sit until hell freezes over.


Well-Known Member
GT thanks for the heads up about the 8K filing.The dollar figure they are talking about is 204 million pending court approval . That seems a little light for 19 states given that Ca alone got 228 million.However based on the prevailing mindset it would appear that all parties want this thing to just go away especially given that there are 53 open seats on the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals. Nominations have been sent to the Senate but no action. The nomination of Merrick Garland an appeals court judge isn't the only nomination that will sit until hell freezes over.
It mentioned 19 lawsuits not necessarily states. I don't follow all of the suits by any means, are there multiple suits in the states or one a piece. Also I would assume that is assuming some staggering payments (have no basis for that assumption).
As for what you mentioned before about United, I have heard snippets of them not doing well in regards to many other airlines and some controversies but don't follow the airlines much. I took a large position in Delta at $7.55 but I was stupid and listened to outside sources (one it sickens me to admit was Cramer.....can't believe I ever took his advice) sold it out quickly. Now airlines just make me sad.


Well-Known Member
Jim Cramer is really not much better than your average retail investor. I will give him credit for one thing. He said not to chase Facebook when it went public but instead wait and wait I did. got in at 23 now it's around 110. Likewise I bought Southwest Airlines a few years back. It went nowhere.. It just not the same without Louis Rukeyser. Those panelists, Fran Capiello, Mary Goodman, Marty Zwieg were so honest they didn't even get gas money to drive over and do the show. They kept Wall Street honest and the small retail investor had a fair chance. But when Louis Rukeyser died that's when the hedge funds and algorithms took over.


Well-Known Member
You don't get paid for overtime, lunches, breaks, drive time to and from the route, load time in the morning. But other than that it's a great job if they don't talk to you. If they start talking to you then quit!


Well-Known Member
Courts have found problems with the IC model and X has addressed those issues. No Kool-aid drinking done. You simply are one of the jaded that has believed X would be forced to abandon a contractor model altogether. It just isn't so.

One thing not really 'addressed' fully yet is that under the court decision, anyone who drove, even those with multiple routes, was an employee. Once fedex prohibits 'owners' from driving, it will take about $40,000 or more right out of the profit column for those ISP who had continued driving.

I don't care if fedex uses the contractor model, I signed the contract expecting fedex to follow contractor laws. But if they are going to claim you are a contractor, they should be required to follow the laws.

Only if/when an ISP makes a state claim or federal claim for employee rights will the question be settled. No court in the US will make the ruling until the model is challenged, thus the courts have not okayed the current model, as you seem to believe.


Staff member
One thing not really 'addressed' fully yet is that under the court decision, anyone who drove, even those with multiple routes, was an employee. Once fedex prohibits 'owners' from driving, it will take about $40,000 or more right out of the profit column for those ISP who had continued driving.

I don't care if fedex uses the contractor model, I signed the contract expecting fedex to follow contractor laws. But if they are going to claim you are a contractor, they should be required to follow the laws.

Only if/when an ISP makes a state claim or federal claim for employee rights will the question be settled. No court in the US will make the ruling until the model is challenged, thus the courts have not okayed the current model, as you seem to believe.
You need to read an ISP agreement.