Yep. Medical tourism is big, especially to India since their educational system is excellent. My whole issue with this is that it's a shame many of us can't choose to retire within our own country. This is what pisses me off the most about Fred's lies about our Traditional Pension Plan. For old timers like myself and van, that is one of the reasons we stayed. It wasn't a Teamster plan, but it was relatively decent, especially when compared to the non-plan we have now.
If I knew what was going to happen, would I have stayed? Hell, no!! But remember that back in the Federal Express days we had excellent insurance, twice yearly profit sharing, regular raises, and an actual pension. Bitter? You bet. Frederick Weasel Smith killed all of it because he could, thanks to his precious RLA, and he fact that he is an evil, lying, rat bastard without an ounce of integrity. FedEx never was in danger...Smith just saw profit he could steal from employees, and he did it. It wasn't "just business", but a calculated program to take as much as possible from hourlies. There was, and never has been, an economic or operational basis for any of it...just greed.
He screwed every single long-term hourly straight in the ass while lying that we were "struggling". I really hope someone gets him...literally. The MF has it coming.