Fedex up $2.65 today Ups +$.41


Well-Known Member
When you talk about Wall Street you are talking about stock analysts. Their job is to report back to their respective firms the financial health, earnings potential, leadership, problems of specific companies etc. When companies report to Wall Street, the analysts are all in a big room, laptops in hand, specialized databases open, and they have an opportunity to question senior corporate leadership on specific indicies. Leadership answers, analysts take notes, and they follow up with internal collaborations and come out with their reccomendations. As I understand it, that's how it works.

However, these analysts, while among the best and the brightest (not to mention well paid) that the Ivy leagues have offer, are also human. They make determinations about companies like ours, and FedEx, based an all types of different intangibles. How does senior management present their product, how honest are they in their forecasts, do they know their business, is it a good place to work and one of the biggies-how do they control their image in the arena that influences all of us so strongly these days-the media.

Surely, one of the things they also monitor is the morale of an organization, how do the people who work at the company feel about management, compensation, their work environment. The morale of a company is a road map into it's future, the future is the stock market. I don't care how much cash you have on reserve you are only as good as yesterday as far as Wall Street is concerned.

Our perception about FedEx is that they know how to handle Wall Street, but the reality is they know how to handle themselves, and Wall street reacts accordingly. The same goes true with us, we don't keep our own house in order and....Wall Street reacts accordingly.

FedEx, who competes with us directly, is acutley aware of this fact and uses it to their advantage-How? They work hard to make sure that the environment they create for their employees is the best that they can provide. How do they know what's best, they measure it against their biggest competitor, us. FedEx does not use smoke and mirrors to ifluence stock analysts, they work their a** off to create an environment that is conducive to a higher return for their shareholder.

We never measured ourselves against anyone, we just did what we wanted - told customers what we wanted to tell them, and did it our own way...but, we didn't have to report to Wall Street.

FedEx has measured themselves against us from day one. Wall Street picks up on the fact that UPS always questions the analysts motivations when it comes to our share price. FedEx always questions their own motivations when it comes to their share price and their share price reflects that-and guess what, stock analysts have something to do with that too.

One of the first posts in this thread sums it all up. Interestingly enough - the same post pops up time after time when share price is discussed - What is wrong with Wall Street?

The real question is what is wrong with us-Wall Street analysts are just reporters, telling the story as they see it.

Why is it so hard for us to look inside and say something has to change?


Well-Known Member's called egocentrism. :thumbup1:
I also believe there's too many "yes men" in the mgt ranks. They see the upper level making bad decisions and are fearful to speak out because they risk the chance of being fired. In turn they(lower mgt) quit or just remain silent as the ship slowly sinks. A perfect example of this is the mgt that are on this site. In the 6 to 7 months Ive been active on this site I have not once seen any mgt(which are few) speak critically of UPS and any of their operations. There has to be at least one thing you see going wrong on the upper crust, be specific and tell us, just one. Maybe they(the company) knows who you are and your hesitant for fear of some kind of retaliation. I would too. This is not an attack on mgt. Its just a respectful observation and comment. Elvis Presley once said "I probably could live to a 100, if I didnt have all these yes men around me". so true. Egocentrism, Power and submission, I believe so.


Well-Known Member
Look up some of my postings..and while you are at it, I am not alone-many here are critical of our management, many of us here are agents of change.


Active Member
It is very easy to be critical of upper managment when you have never been in their shoes nor fully understand all their jobs entail, that said I too think there are many things that could be done differently, however, I am in managment and you would never catch me complaining to anyone below me, as Tom Hanks said in Saving Private Ryan "complaints go up not down". Just because you don't see people complaining and suggesting different courses of action doesn't mean it doesn't happen, hopefully people are suggesting different courses of action but not walking around complaining to everyone who will listen. As far as the stock price we face many challenges that company's such as FEDEX don't face (we are union most of them aren't) that said I think we can be competitive, but both UPS and the union have to take actions that ensure UPS can stay competitive. I would like a big raise and bigger bonuses like anyone else would, however, if in the long run this practice puts UPS in the red with the possiblity of going broke I don't want it. Many may feel UPS is invincible, if you think this research REA express or look up how many company's have been around longer than UPS in the US (pretty sure the number is less than 10). We are not invincible and everyone needs to focus more on what they can do to make UPS better than what everyone else can do. Unless most do this I don't know how we can be competitive paying drivers and feeder drivers and probably friend/t management several dollars an hour more than any of the competition (not counting the much higher cost of health, welfare, and pension), while paying the p/t's several dollars an hour less as this is where almost all friend/t's come from now. As a whole I don't think there is anyone around with more than 20 years that will tell you p/t's now compare to p/t's then, yet these are the people we will be paying big money to for years to come when they go friend/t. We also have 22.3's where many of them have half of their jobs as clerical type jobs or carwashers where they make more than $20 an hour probably $30 when you count in health welfare and pension. I gurantee you the competition is not doing this. How do we complete? Unless we work much harder I don't know hopefully someone else does.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Look up some of my postings..and while you are at it, I am not alone-many here are critical of our management, many of us here are agents of change.

The analysts and fund managers have a lot to do with the price of our stock. The fund managers listen to the analysts. The fund managers also move stock around to take advantage of the dividend cut offs to ensure more income for their fund. Right before the cutoff date for dividend the stock goes up. After that date it starts to drop.

Here is another big factor that goes to the quote above. Fred S is WELL liked and respected on Wall Street. Our chairman and vice chairman are not respected on Wall Street.

I would also give UPS a C- (I am being generous) in marketing our company.

We need creative ad strategies and more brand recognition that entertains the public! Unfortunately, the public doesn't care about all great things UPS does...the public wants to be entertained. We need sponsorship of major events and arenas. WHY ARE WE WAITING???


Life is a Highway...
We need creative ad strategies and more brand recognition that entertains the public! Unfortunately, the public doesn't care about all great things UPS does...the public wants to be entertained. We need sponsorship of major events and arenas. WHY ARE WE WAITING???

All of the UPS sponsor money is invested in the UPS NASCAR driver Dale Jarrett. WE all know how well thats going....