I have no problem with that what so ever. The people who are off the street ft hires will though as they will be pushed even farther down the board. If there`s going to be a big "real seniority" crusade then lets go all the way.
Wow, some real great replies on here. Here is the thing where I'm at. I'm still in pkgs. For what ever reason UPS hired a bunch of guys off the street say 5 yrs ago. Then the economy tanks. I was on the feeder intent sheet to get trained, but it never happend. So these off the street hires have had a tough time of it for sure. So it's not like I have turned down going to feeders. But these guys whine there freaking heads off about package car drivers coming over, because here, we have full time senority, not classification senority. So all these off the street hires who have been here 5 years would have more rights in the feeder dept. because they hired strait in. That's where the problem is.
I see the point about other guys passing and waiting cause they don't want to work nights. I think no one should be hired off the street for feeders until every package car or other eligible employee has a chance for that promotion. I don't feel sorry for these guys off the street either. No one forced them to leave their old jobs and come to the brown machine.
I know you say lay off goes by whole senority, but how can you have a SENIOR guy on the on call board and possibly not get 40 hours when a guy with less senoirty does? That's definitly not fair.
Some of that might not make sense, but bottom line! These off the street feeder guys will do anything they can to prevent package car drivers from coming into the department. That's BS.