Few questions, just got hired as package handler. On topic pls


Well-Known Member
Well I was told by a supervisor being 10 mins late is a write up, wondering what a call out is ? 2 write ups ?

Discussing with a supervisor the penalty for calling off or being late is a bad idea. The supervisor will tag you as a potential problem.

Try to be on time, the job requires this. If you are late explain your reason. You may get a break. If you are sick, call in and explain the reason the next day. You may get a break.

If you need a day off, explain your reason.

This is a job that requires you to show up on time and only call off when absolutely necessary.

Eventually you will accrue sick time and personal days / vacation.

Remember, FEDEX only wants you if you show up for work. If you don't, many more potential new hires are waiting in the wings.


Well-Known Member
FedEx will provide you with unlimited opportunities as a free agent to take advantage of the job market.
But....he's a RESTRICTED free agent which means that if anybody were to hire him he would owe Fat Freddy a high draft pick like a Heinekin or a Lowenbrau. But if you caught up with Fat Freddy on a good day perhaps he would settle for a room temperature code date expired 6 pack of Milwaukee's Best or even better a half empty bottle of Mad Dog 2020. These days even a cheap drunk is better than no drunk at all.

Yan Zach

Active Member
Discussing with a supervisor the penalty for calling off or being late is a bad idea. The supervisor will tag you as a potential problem.

Try to be on time, the job requires this. If you are late explain your reason. You may get a break. If you are sick, call in and explain the reason the next day. You may get a break.

If you need a day off, explain your reason.

This is a job that requires you to show up on time and only call off when absolutely necessary.

Eventually you will accrue sick time and personal days / vacation.

Remember, FEDEX only wants you if you show up for work. If you don't, many more potential new hires are waiting in the wings.
I didn’t discuss it he said it. This is why I ask the forum how many write ups do you get for calling out also how much write ups = fired. I would never be dumb enough to ask a higher up this.


Well-Known Member
Company policy is extremely ambiguous and it's everyday application will be based on the circumstances at that moment. Your orientation should have covered these matters with you. In the meantime if you truly WANT to work ( and I'm beginning to very much doubt it) go to work every day and just do the damn job.


Well-Known Member
Yes there’s work or yes everybody’s off?
It means that as a matter of practice inbound morning sorts are done on Thanksgiving morning giving the crew the afternoon off and sometimes depending on the location all day Friday. Now damn it kid just exactly what the hell is the matter with you? Answers to all your questions can be easily found by simply asking the managers you report to. Sooner or later you're going to have to put the video games aside get out of your Mom's basement and assert yourself a little bit and at age what 31 ? it's now or never.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
It means that as a matter of practice inbound morning sorts are done on Thanksgiving morning giving the crew the afternoon off and sometimes depending on the location all day Friday. Now damn it kid just exactly what the hell is the matter with you? Answers to all your questions can be easily found by simply asking the managers you report to. Sooner or later you're going to have to put the video games aside get out of your Mom's basement and assert yourself a little bit and at age what 31 ? it's now or never.
That would involve him having to speak to a person face-to-face! The horror!