Finding a Wife in the Philippines


Well-Known Member

It’s never gonna pay for itself, patsy, Trump’s own guy said so.

Damn you’re gullible.
What I've said repeatedly is that if business owners can keep more of what they make there will be much more business activity and thus more jobs and more competition for employees and thus higher wages. If you can't see that has happened then you're a bit thick between the ears. And it has brought in more revenue. The government has got to learn to not spend it as fast as it comes in.


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Well-Known Member
What I've said repeatedly is that if business owners can keep more of what they make there will be much more business activity and thus more jobs and more competition for employees and thus higher wages. If you can't see that has happened then you're a bit thick between the ears. And it has brought in more revenue. The government has got to learn to not spend it as fast as it comes in.

Ok patsy, literally no one thinks it’s going to pay for itself.

You are so gullible.

This wasn’t even ‘trickle-down’, this was straight-up redistribution from the 90% to the 10%.

Read an economic journal or a newspaper, patsy, the jury is in.

El Correcto

god is dead
Ok patsy, literally no one thinks it’s going to pay for itself.

You are so gullible.

This wasn’t even ‘trickle-down’, this was straight-up redistribution from the 90% to the 10%.

Read an economic journal or a newspaper, patsy, the jury is in.
I’m paying less in taxes. Not giving poor people rich people’s money isn’t taking money from the poor.


Well-Known Member
Ok patsy, literally no one thinks it’s going to pay for itself.

You are so gullible.

This wasn’t even ‘trickle-down’, this was straight-up redistribution from the 90% to the 10%.

Read an economic journal or a newspaper, patsy, the jury is in.
Spin it any way you like, you look ignorant.


Well-Known Member

good lord lot of liars here tonight

read this sourced information from your very own liberal spin site

Is it? did you dig any deeper or just accept the talking point provided you?

did you see anything about the money being moved from one bucket to another? perhaps something about 1.2 trillion in block grants provided to the states instead?

quote - "It’s impossible to apportion how much of that is Medicaid because we don’t know how states will spend their new grant," Goldwein said. "But I think it’s somewhat misleading to suggest Medicaid is being cut by $1.4 trillion when a large chunk of that money is really being reprioritized rather than eliminated."

Did Trump try to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security?

did i mention you were misleading? can I suggest you dont ever accuse trump of being a liar since you've clearly demonstrated that you are much worse?

Did Trump try to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security?

are you guys deliberately telling lies or are you just too stupid to research outrageous / ridiculous news stories?

El Correcto

god is dead
Is Trump’s tax-cut going to pay for itself?


Why are you bringing up Obama?
Hillary and Obama are still relevant, Hillary will be less relevant once 2020 comes and someone else running against Trump. Hillary will still be relevant when it comes to top level FBI bias towards Trump, we saw the sweet heart kids gloves they put on for her. It was federal collusion and interference in our election done by top level administrators in our intelligence agencies and the democrat party.