Fired! From UPS: Stories About Employees Losing Their Job


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Knucklehead was taking extra time off during the day, always running way over because of it. Eventually got caught.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
In my center, only 1 driver has been fired. (Attendance) Some management firings included:
center manager stealing guns
center manager stealing petty cash
center manager falsifying records (forging signatures on safety testing that wasnt taken)
On road fired for attendance and dishonesty.

Edit... One other driver was fired for futuring missed packages. Was proven that he was instructed by mgmt to do it and got job back. On road was later fired.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Got bumped off my route by a guy checking up on his wife. I told him he wouldn't have time to "investigate". Took a couple of months but mgt. eventually caught on and fired him for stealing time. Stuck too as he was well hated by mgt.

We had (apparently) a big time drug dealer(out of his pkg car) in my center. Busted by the FEDS.

And the usual bangin chicks on area stuff.

The ones that are kind of baffling are the ones that take 30 years etc. The real jerk types that are everyones bane. Eventually being fired for something stupid(weapons, alcohol, drugs etc.). Folks that are gone for 3 months every year(accruing) just enough vacation hours/reports.


Driver got his job back at panel after an unreported accident caught on camera. 6 weeks off with no back pay. A few months later same driver got canned permanently for -- what else -- another unreported accident.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Driver got his job back at panel after an unreported accident caught on camera. 6 weeks off with no back pay. A few months later same driver got canned permanently for -- what else -- another unreported accident.
Bonus center, dozens of guys over the years going for a 30 ride on meal break.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy who was fired for driving a package car while intoxicated. He had his blood tested at the police station, a roadside test when they pulled him over, and he still had the balls to say he wasn't intoxicated. He took it to panel and obviously lost.

We had another driver who was lingering on the edge for attendance issues. He got pulled over one day coming to work and was arrested for drugs as he was smoking a joint next to a cop while stopped in traffic. They found some heavier stuff in the car. So, we assume he did get fired for the attendance, but we can't really ever know since it never really made it around the center what actually happened to him.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Bonus center, dozens of guys over the years going for a 30 ride on meal break.

Yep. We had a female promoted faster to mgr. than anyone in history(by another female), who was notorious for driving her meal. BTW, this said female is one of the biggest forgot where she came from.....amazing the transformation from hourly to mgt.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Bonus center, dozens of guys over the years going for a 30 ride on meal break.

Dozens? In my 40 years, I've only seen maybe a handful actually fired for anything with most being some type of theft or really bad stuff. Being fired around here is pretty rare. Quitting? Pretty rare also. In a building of hundreds of pkg. drivers and feeder drivers. Part timers staying decades also. Too good a job to leave.

El Correcto

god is dead
Marijuana, road rage fights/fights in building, drunk on the job, forging signatures, sheeting stuff dishonestly/off area, roll away and some of these people get their jobs back. Fights usually both employees are back or the one who didn’t instigate the fight/defended themselves gets their job back.

El Correcto

god is dead
Dozens? In my 40 years, I've only seen maybe a handful actually fired for anything with most being some type of theft or really bad stuff. Being fired around here is pretty rare. Quitting? Pretty rare also. In a building of hundreds of pkg. drivers and feeder drivers. Part timers staying decades also. Too good a job to leave.
We’ve had like 2 or 3 just decided they’ve had enough and walk out on the morning or give their two weeks notice.


Happy Verified UPSer
if you havent been fired from UPS you aint :censored2:.

it was a joke at our hub. they fired everyone they could for anything and almost everyone got their jobs back.

one guy didnt. came to work drunk
another got caught sleeping while his IVIS said he was on TA
one other for stealing boxes with guns in them.

can only think of those 3 over 20 plus years and at least dozens of attempts.


Pineapple King
if you havent been fired from UPS you aint :censored2:.
Never been fired in 32 years, know plenty of others who also haven't been fired in the same time frame, guess we aren't :censored2:. Sounds like you're really proud of being a :censored2: up and being fired. You really are an idiot. Oh wait that's right you never really worked here anyways.

Brown Wing

We had a group of pt sups who, on twilight, left themselves punched in for night sort during peak and obviously didn't work.

Also not a termination but we had an hourly get a one day suspension for dropping a deuce in the women's bathroom.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Dozens? In my 40 years, I've only seen maybe a handful actually fired for anything with most being some type of theft or really bad stuff. Being fired around here is pretty rare. Quitting? Pretty rare also. In a building of hundreds of pkg. drivers and feeder drivers. Part timers staying decades also. Too good a job to leave.
In the 90s and early 2000s, before technology, drivers would do this and the company would go and observe and have weeks of evidence before termination. Now after a day or two the company confronts the employee before it gets out of control.