Package Center Manager
While I agree 100% that we should stay out of driveways and maintain a space cushion around the vehicle as much as possible, perhaps you could offer an opinion about a couple of questions that I have never been able to get a straight answer to from my own management team.
1. What exactly is the definition of a "driveway"?
Any road that leads to a house or business. Keeping it simple. I guess on the west coast its called a private access road....
2. What does breaking a tree limb have to do with "safety"?
People do not want thier property torn up. When we damage it in some way they want it repaired (sometimes). Would you take your personal vehicle down a drive way and drive the same way?
I ask because many of the "driveways" I must travel on each day are actually 1/4 to 1/2 mile long private "access roads" that wind thru the forests of the Oregon Coast Range. During these journeys, I routinely leave a trail of broken tree limbs and/or downed fruit laying in the road behind me. My customers....who, like me, live and work in the real world....are well aware of the fact that by choosing to (a) live in the country and (b)order packages via UPS, they are accepting the reality that the large brown truck that delivers those packages will inevitably do whatever pruning and fruit removal they have failed to to themselves.
Remember the original poster stated he "crunched the top of the UPS truck". Assuming he had to go down the driveway and there was no way to avoid the limbs, why not just adjust his speed?