First Day as Driver Helper

Dogs or Cats

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Really heavy volume
Volume leveling is another way to consider "rolling"


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Hey hey hey,

Yesterday marked my first day working as a driver helper. I thought I would write this post for all the other noobs out there who haven't gotten a chance to get on the road yet. Before my first day, I was hoping someone would do a little write up like this, so I thought I'd do it to ease some minds.

I didn't expect the job to be fun, but I can honestly say I had a good time. When the day was over I was wanting to clock in more hours! It may just be because I'm currently in the honeymoon period and making money just gets my endorphins pumping, but I really enjoyed what I was doing. I worked 11-5:30.

I was a little nervous before my first day on the job, I was wondering if I was going to make myself look stupid, or not know certain things, but it was honestly easy work. It was definitely taxing on the legs, but I just kept reminding myself that my driver has been doing this for over 15 years, and if they can do it I can. I worked hard, and my driver has requested me to work for them for the remainder of the season.

Most the day consisted of me taking packages from my driver and running them up to houses and placing them out of sight of the road. I would knock on the door, ring the doorbell, and run back to the PC for my next stop. Sometimes my driver would have me take the DIAD (it sounds scary but it's not) and retrieve a signature. I would also go up to some houses that were making a return, or sending something, and I would pick up the box from them and give them a stub showing we received the package.

Overall I enjoy this seasonal gig, and I have a newfound respect for all the men and women who wear the brown.

If anybody has any questions just let me know.

(Pro [rookie?] tip: stretch before work)
