whatever's clever

Well-Known Member
I never get DQ’d because I’ve seen that language in the contract that says you have to wait a year if that’s the case. Both times I’ve tried to get in were in the last 6 months.


I was hired from outside as a seasonal driver on 11/1... I’d estimate that there were about 15 of us, and now that the holidays are over we are down to maybe 6 or less. I came from USPS as a rural carrier and hated it, but I love this (so far) and am extremely interested in becoming a FT driver. My supervisor says I’m “on the good list” in terms of scratching my routes and driving safely. I even got recognized at one of the PCMs for my safe driving by our GM. What’s the best way to get to a FT position? Do I absolutely need to take an inside position to get a shot at a driver position? I was told that as long as the casual drivers get through peak without any accidents that you’ll get called back in the summer to cover vacations and such... and I’ve met some drivers that went from casual to “cover drivers” without needing to work inside at all. Just looking for any advice, including how I bring this up to my supervisors in a professional manor so they consider me for any open positions. TIA


Hi, I start driving on 10/30/18 but was hired on 10/04/18. I was looking at my time off sheet for holidays it reads next earn date 10/04/19 so is that my first day as a UPS driver or the day I actually start driving?
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eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I have 2 years’ part time seniority. I have tried to drive twice now and got sent back inside before making 30 days both times. Do you think I should give up?
No? The part time position still is good stuff and you can always earn some more with a second job.
If there is any shady business going on, this is something to talk about immediately, in person, to your stewards and ba.
Otherwise qualifications are all about speed, stupid, stupid speed. And not getting hit.
There are a laundry list of things you can do temporarely to make a couple days look good towards the end. Know your training route in advance, look up cheap ways to increase your "allowance". Most depressingly sort before you punch in, sort during breaks and lunches, line the next stops up in your cab for all I care.

Disregard all of this once you qualify.

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