I was officially offered the twilight loader position last week and today was supposed to be my first day starting at 5:00. The HR lady who hired me just text me and asked that I come in tomorrow instead of today.
Does this mean there isn’t enough work for the day?
Would I dive right into working or is there a lengthy orientation process?
Any help with these questions and advice for a female loader are appreciated!
This is a very small warehouse ( not sure if that information would be relevant or not)
I work the preload, so not your shift. But Mondays typically run fewer routes here, and have fewer pieces.
This translates directly to management deciding not to work as many people.
You are the low guy on the totem pole, so you are the one that won't work.
Don't worry about it, though. Plenty of work coming up the rest of this week, and you likely won't see much time off as we get towards peak.
As for the advice for a female loader. We aren't really used to girls, and at least in my center seem to have absolutely no idea how to interact with them properly. Here, there is a guy who basically asks out/hits on whoever the new girl is. Every. Single. Time.
Just stay away from the guys that want to get real friendly right at the start. You'll save yourself a headache later on.
Good luck.