I have been working at UPS for over a year now. I have seen many new hires come and go. There is a lot of turn over with them. If you are in a area with changing climate cold winters and hot summers just know that the hub will be just as warm or cold if not worse then it is outside. You lift boxes any where from 1 to 50+ lb.'s for several hours in a dusty dirty loud environment. You will get hurt I don't care what bull

line UPS gives you about safety. It may not be severe it may only be a bruise or a little ache but It will happen. You will get yelled at most likely to go fast no matter what the situation. If all this does not sound like you want to put up with it please don't waste the supervisors time, the managers time, the trainers time or any one else's if you are just going to quit within a week.