So I had my days mixed up when I posted that 1st post... I know that in my hub, Feb 1st is when some tcd's came back in the hub for a couple weeks.. Jan 15 was the cut off for peak, and 2 weeks later is when they put some guys back in the hub (so they didn't get to qualify their 30).. why are you guys so literal?? Like it's the end of the world of someone misquotes some advice by a few days.. at least I'm giving advice to help people instead of being A holes just talking smack like all of you. Every one of those tcd's tho, never came back in the hub after March. They have driven the entire year! That's ft in my book.. I'll take that!
You whiney little

are so funny.. this job is a piece of cake!! Maybe it's cause I've had jobs that are physically demanding, long hours, unappreciated by management, that I've been bred for this... it's not hard at all!! The hardest thing on a daily basis for me is what time should I take my lunch and where!! I'm averaging 180-200 stops and back in the hub by 7ish everyday.. lol you guys are all babies that complain.. go find another job where you think you'll make the same money, with job security, same benefits, just for showing up to work.. you can't.. so shut your mouths and get to work.. quit complaining.. it's soooo harddddd... whoaaaa is meeee... my truck is bricked.. waaaaahhhh... I open my back door and like yessss$$$$
It is clear you have
TCDs that drive until March are FT in "your book?" No

. They aren't. Here's how it works. If the the TCD gets more than 156 reports, the union files a grievance to force ups to create a bid for FT and post it going to the highest senior person on the bid sheet.
As far as your claims of "this job is sooo easy and you're doing 180-200 stops a day". It's easy when you're put on a peak resi routes with no bus stops, or pick ups and your dispatch is set a certain way because you are "training ". You do understand this right? No because you're stupid.
Now that you've proved to the company that you can run and gun at 180-200 a day, you will be held to this standard or higher from now on. Good going genius. Let's see if you can keep this up for 30 plus years when you're what,70?
And I'm pretty sure your truck isn't bricked out every day yet but it will be.
Better follow that Orion trace and dig that 8000 sequence when youre bricked out bigguy or that on road will DQ you.
Put in your letter for FT on road management now. Since you know it all and you've had 20 minutes of driving experience on one peak created junk route, you should be center manager by no time big guy.
You're a joke. It's the reason you only comment in this thread with all the new hires. Because anyone who's been at ups longer than you knows you don't know what you're talking about.
You haven't a clue. Even
@Faceplanted said you don't know what's in store for peak.
But hey I'm sure you're tearing it up out there. Not like you would come on here and say what you're really going through. You're probably having your ass handed to you left and right. I'm waiting for your "accident because I was running and gunning " thread.
But that'll never happen because you can't admit you're ever wrong. You must work in the BOG with Dave.
Except you work in Orlando and I can tell you that you're getting your ass handed to you out there because that's one of the worst run hubs in Florida.