I was hired in early November as a pre-loader on the night shift. Once peak season was over, I became an unloader in the hopes that I could get a position in the sort aisle as quickly as possible. Luckily it didn't take long, and now I'm making better money than I did at my last job. My new supervisor even said he would recommend me for a supervisor position once my first 90 days are up.
I know that I'd like the experience and the extra pay, though I hear it's a stressful position. My biggest problem, however, is that I'd like to go back to school next fall, and I don't think I'll be able to hold down a full time job while attempting my first college quarter. I really like working for UPS as a whole, and I take pride in the effort I actually put into making sure packages get delivered. The physical workout is is a definite bonus! But, alas, I know that I don't want to be handling big, brown packages or dirty, wet little boxes all of my life. I also know that the company will pay for quite a bit of schooling, but I'm not sure how I would set all of that up. If I wanted to stop working at UPS full time, would I still be able to retain the tuition and the ability to come back to work full time, come summertime? My college's city has a UPS facility as well, and it just so happens to be closer to my future place of residence than my current one. If I chose to only take one or two classes, and found that I could manage working full time as well (even if it means working twilight instead of night), would I be able to get easily re-hired at the new hub, or is it a "gone for good, smell ya later" kind of thing?
There's probably other threads on this topic I could try to hunt down and sift through, but if someone could briefly explain how the school funding and re-hiring process work, or who I should talk to about this sort of thing, I would very much appreciate it. I'm not used to being in a union and don't exactly know if that's what H.R. is for or not, but that would be my first thought.