For Sale or trade


I'm a star
No, she's a green eyed devil with brunette hair.



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Maybe it’s time for a hearing aid for the old broad.

You clearly said not to sell that one...

Well, now that's where the problem lies. I told her the ones in the corner could be sold. I DID NOT tell her to keep her grubby mitts off the one by the workbench and because I didn't, she moved that one to the corner.

I hate to admit it, but I am partially to blame as I never asked which detector the guy was looking at. I just assumed it was the gold detector and not the other non-gold hunting machines.


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Maybe it’s time for a hearing aid for the old broad.

You clearly said not to sell that one...

I guess I should be somewhat thankful my wife is clueless with things like what machines are expensive and which ones are not so much because when the time comes to buy another new machine, she will have no clue how much jing I'm going to drop. :yes::yes::yes: