Those are not the limitations I am talking about here and you know it.
Look around during your PCM this morning. How many of your co-workers could "take their skills" and earn a comparable wage with a similar benefit package elsewhere?
There you go, judging other people and their skills that you have no clue about. Maybe if you got off your pedestal and actually paid attention to people you work with you will notice that there are others that their intelligence exceeds yours?
A friend of mine graduated from high school and after a year went into the Army. The guy was just a plain Motorhead and lacked people skills among other average personality issues. He was lazy. Not seemingly as book smart as most of the people in our group and his grades showed that.
He's been a medical doctor for at least 35 years now and most of our friends would trade him paychecks any week.
Some people that drive at UPS may never realize their full potential because they are stuck in a job that pays decent and they built their finances (debt) around that.
When you are continually looking down on other people and display an arrogant attitude maybe we ought to take a look inside of ourselves figure out the root cause of our hostility.