Forcing Thanksgiving Holiday Work Is The Beginning Of The End


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No folding on this, it's already in the book. CRT Art 15 Sec 1(pg 224), "no optional holiday during the period Thanksgiving through December 25th", Art 16 (pg 230) "No single vacation day(s) will be taken during the period of Thanksgiving through December 25th."
It shouldn't be necessary, as the Friday after Thanksgiving is already a paid day off as one of the eight named holidays, aside from being required under Article 40 of the National Master.
This is also "in the book", same section (pg 223).


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And sometimes you need to evolve to grow business and keep it coming in.
I don't need to evolve, the company does.
To do so, the company should need to bargain the necessary changes with the union.
Unfortunately, the present administration prefers to give it away, without getting anything in return.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Its a dangling carrot, but some of us like the time off . It was a day of rest from thanksgiving and work. Its the end of a tradition once again just like the turkeys. Only incentive = money.


I must be off on Columbus day, so I can go to the coastline and
scan the sea horizon.