no contract language in any supplement requiring working on holidays ?????
You are not required to work BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE YOU to work that holiday, then the language in the contract above says they can make you and it provides the pay scale.
As long as they follow seniority procedure in granting the day off, they are following the language perfectly.
Tell me Union Brother, you going to walk in to the center manager's office and actually drop a grievance form to grieve that you don't want to work.
That's not what the Union is about nor what the Teamsters represent !!! If you're serious, then I feel soooooooo bad for you.
The New England supplement I am under and my Local back what UPS has asked for.
Don't act like there is some kind of conspiracy.
No - I doubt you are missing anything. Good possibility you're in opposition to acknowledgement of the facts though.
I'll be a gentleman and refrain from public examination of your possible motives. I do think your jab about "some kind of conspiracy" says more about your intentions than you realize El Heffe.
As for "what the union is about"...Well I think your view is myopic and unrealistic. The union is about different things in different places. Reading here in this forum should readily reveal that to anyone with a high school education or better.
In your region there may be a strong sense of fellowship and comradery. Not so much in other regions, and in still others there is none at all.
Don't overestimate your clout my friend, and woe to you if you trust blindly in anyone when the almighty dollar is involved. Especially your union employees (you do pay their salaries, right) or your corporate task masters.
What I think you need to focus more closely upon is the word "required". If you won the right through strike or negotiation to a PAID DAY OFF, then you cannot be REQUIRED to work that day unless it is specifically stated in the language. You still haven't shown that specific language as it relates to ground operations. I beg you, please produce it in any supplement or master.
Work if you like. That's your right. Just don't come here or to the job and try to cow your brothers into working. They earned the day off, and it belongs to them, not you. Their decision has nothing to do with you, nor should it.