Forcing Thanksgiving Holiday Work Is The Beginning Of The End


Well-Known Member
Ok, no us either. This is the ability to take the whole vacation week on top of a holiday week, then to have that holiday become available as a floater, since you are getting 16 hrs of pay on those double days.
In this last contract they added that we are allowed to split 1 week into days but it has to be picked with vacation not spontaneous


Huge Member
Here's what it says in the Central Region Supplement:

Section 1
A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work on the
following eight (8) named holidays
-New Year’s Day, Memorial
Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve-regardless
of the day of the week on which the named holiday falls, provided
they comply with the qualifications set forth hereinafter.

Section 4
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, regular seniority
employees required to work on any of the above named holidays
shall receive double his/her regular hourly rate for all hours worked
with a guarantee of eight (8) hours for full-time employees and four
(4) hours for part-time employees.
Also, no employee shall be
required to work on Labor Day unless authorized by the local union.
!!!!Touchdown Bubblehead!!!!

There is no contract language in any supplement that I have read thus far which requires any employee to work on a "legal holiday", with the exception of Article 40 workers and package drivers required to supplement the air deliveries.

Granted, I have not read every supplement, but I seriously doubt the language is there in any of them because the company did not forsee the need to include it prior to last Christmas. By then the current MA had already been offered, voted, and ratified with nothing outstanding except supplemental agreements in all but a few locals. Jimmy Jr. announced compulsory implementation nationwide and sealed the deal until 2018 for everyone, and the company cheered. Then came Amazon and the winter of 2013.

Sorry El Heffe, but your misinterpretation of the contract legalese is woefully inaccurate and misleading.
When you finish soaking up all the cash you can extract from UPS mindlessly working your life away at the expense of irreplaceble family time, consider a career in union leadership. Most of them make a good living keeping the confused confused.

Just remember to funnel at least 25% of that overtime pay into the federal coffers to keep the national handouts coming for those too lazy to work. They appreciate your dedication more than Uncle Buster and those, by-the-way, will be the ones you and some of your co-workers will be dodging (drunks) on Black Friday.

no contract language in any supplement requiring working on holidays ?????

You are not required to work BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE YOU to work that holiday, then the language in the contract above says they can make you and it provides the pay scale.
As long as they follow seniority procedure in granting the day off, they are following the language perfectly.
Tell me Union Brother, you going to walk in to the center manager's office and actually drop a grievance form to grieve that you don't want to work.
That's not what the Union is about nor what the Teamsters represent !!! If you're serious, then I feel soooooooo bad for you.

The New England supplement I am under and my Local back what UPS has asked for.
Don't act like there is some kind of conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you are not required to work but if you are is where the contradiction comes into play. This is why there are so many people upset about it and rightfully so. Every driver needs to band together and say no we aren't going in. They won't do us any favors the next Monday. They will be back to cutting routes and being stupid. It's not right no matter how you slice it how this took place. The ibt did nothing but collect union dues and sell us down the river again. Enough is enough.

As many have stated job creation was a major accomplishment in the contract and here we are and the company is finding ways to go around it. Brag about the pay all you want it's the principle of the thing. It wasn't right period.

no contract language in any supplement requiring working on holidays ?????

You are not required to work BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE YOU to work that holiday, then the language in the contract above says they can make you and it provides the pay scale.
As long as they follow seniority procedure in granting the day off, they are following the language perfectly.
Tell me Union Brother, you going to walk in to the center manager's office and actually drop a grievance form to grieve that you don't want to work.
That's not what the Union is about nor what the Teamsters represent !!! If you're serious, then I feel soooooooo bad for you.

The New England supplement I am under and my Local back what UPS has asked for.
Don't act like there is some kind of conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
Yep, The "leaders of the IBT" interpret a lot of things in peculiar ways when it suits an agenda.

I have some "interpretive guidance" for you...

And I think some of the Locals under pressure from their rank and file will agree...

The fact that Labor Day is excluded for all employees in the Central Region merely indicates that it is set aside as most holy to labor and the blue collar worker.

What it says more precisely is that all workers have contractual recourse on that day, unless of course their "leaders at the IBT" choose to rescind the option at some later date.

That of course would be political suicide from a Socialist or Democrat perspective, and as we all know the Teamsters are the left hand of the Democrat party and will never do anything offensive in that arena. Those campaign contributions have to keep on flowing, and pissed-off members tend not to contribute to the party of choice when directed. No one is touching Labor Day, ever.

One thing can be stated with certainty. With all the tension and mixed messages being slung around concerning this issue, someone somewhere is going to move this way past any bogus grievance hearing at some point. The final arbitor will likely be a federal agency, and I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the union fat cats and the company mutually testify that they agree a holiday was never intended to be a holiday to begin with.

Won't everyone be delighted with that revelation?
Relax Sandy, I was just answering the posters question. I'd prefer nobody work that day, including FedEx.
Are you related to seem to use lots of words.


My Senior Picture
no contract language in any supplement requiring working on holidays ?????

You are not required to work BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE YOU to work that holiday, then the language in the contract above says they can make you and it provides the pay scale.
As long as they follow seniority procedure in granting the day off, they are following the language perfectly.
Tell me Union Brother, you going to walk in to the center manager's office and actually drop a grievance form to grieve that you don't want to work.
That's not what the Union is about nor what the Teamsters represent !!! If you're serious, then I feel soooooooo bad for you.

The New England supplement I am under and my Local back what UPS has asked for.
Don't act like there is some kind of conspiracy.

Yes, you are missing it.

Key words:

A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work on the
following eight (8) named holidays.

In what context is this sentence relevant if not taken literally? Why is it the lead sentence for an Article titled Holidays if the company has the right to work us any holiday for a premium pay rate?
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (you eliminated this condition and took the rest out of context).
Article 40 of the National Master is the only place working a holiday is "otherwise provided for". It's also where it's provide for the company to pay less than premium pay for "air support" personnel during these holiday operations.
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Active Member
no contract language in any supplement requiring working on holidays ?????

You are not required to work BUT IF THEY DO REQUIRE YOU to work that holiday, then the language in the contract above says they can make you and it provides the pay scale.
As long as they follow seniority procedure in granting the day off, they are following the language perfectly.
Tell me Union Brother, you going to walk in to the center manager's office and actually drop a grievance form to grieve that you don't want to work.
That's not what the Union is about nor what the Teamsters represent !!! If you're serious, then I feel soooooooo bad for you.

The New England supplement I am under and my Local back what UPS has asked for.
Don't act like there is some kind of conspiracy.

No - I doubt you are missing anything. Good possibility you're in opposition to acknowledgement of the facts though.

I'll be a gentleman and refrain from public examination of your possible motives. I do think your jab about "some kind of conspiracy" says more about your intentions than you realize El Heffe.

As for "what the union is about"...Well I think your view is myopic and unrealistic. The union is about different things in different places. Reading here in this forum should readily reveal that to anyone with a high school education or better.

In your region there may be a strong sense of fellowship and comradery. Not so much in other regions, and in still others there is none at all.

Don't overestimate your clout my friend, and woe to you if you trust blindly in anyone when the almighty dollar is involved. Especially your union employees (you do pay their salaries, right) or your corporate task masters.

What I think you need to focus more closely upon is the word "required". If you won the right through strike or negotiation to a PAID DAY OFF, then you cannot be REQUIRED to work that day unless it is specifically stated in the language. You still haven't shown that specific language as it relates to ground operations. I beg you, please produce it in any supplement or master.

Work if you like. That's your right. Just don't come here or to the job and try to cow your brothers into working. They earned the day off, and it belongs to them, not you. Their decision has nothing to do with you, nor should it.


Well-Known Member
!!!!Touchdown Bubblehead!!!!

There is no contract language in any supplement that I have read thus far which requires any employee to work on a "legal holiday", with the exception of Article 40 workers and package drivers required to supplement the air deliveries.

Granted, I have not read every supplement, but I seriously doubt the language is there in any of them because the company did not forsee the need to include it prior to last Christmas. By then the current MA had already been offered, voted, and ratified with nothing outstanding except supplemental agreements in all but a few locals. Jimmy Jr. announced compulsory implementation nationwide and sealed the deal until 2018 for everyone, and the company cheered. Then came Amazon and the winter of 2013.

Sorry El Heffe, but your misinterpretation of the contract legalese is woefully inaccurate and misleading.
Upon further review the touchdown appears to be a fumble, picked up and returned by El Heffe.
Speaking of inaccurate and misleading legalese, and as the new lawyer on BC, you should know that Jimmy Jr is inaccurate as James P Hoffa's middle name would need to be Riddle not Phillip in order to be a Jr. Also the CRT calls holidays "named" not legal. Hate to nitpick but lack of clarity can get us off track.
On to the show... UPS has management rights to operate whenever they deem it necessary without input from the IBT (excepting Labor Day) and Teamsters are the bargaining unit that provides that service.
A more clearly worded Art 15 Sec 1 would read "A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work on the following eight (8) named holidays and receive pay..."

Unfortunately it is a bit ambiguous but that ambiguity is clarified in Sec 4, but it does not say you'll never work on a holiday. By reading the first two paragraphs of Sec 1 in their entirety demonstrates the conditions needed to be met in order to receive pay if you don't work. That is really all Sec 1 refers to. Read it again very carefully.

Sec 4's existence would be unnecessary if there was no allowance to work on a holiday.

Both these Sections have been in the CRT at least since 1973.
Happy Thanksgiving


Huge Member
When Section 1 says you are not required to work on those holidays, it in basic terms means everyone starts with the day off plus pay.

That's when Section 4 comes in and says IF UPS REQUIRES YOU TO WORK, then the terms and pay rate of you being forced in are clearly written.

The first section is misleading the way it is written, no doubt. That is the reason everyone is confused. I'm just a driver following orders from UPS and my Union. I'm not being mislead.


Got the T-Shirt
Upon further review the touchdown appears to be a fumble, picked up and returned by El Heffe.
Speaking of inaccurate and misleading legalese, and as the new lawyer on BC, you should know that Jimmy Jr is inaccurate as James P Hoffa's middle name would need to be Riddle not Phillip in order to be a Jr. Also the CRT calls holidays "named" not legal. Hate to nitpick but lack of clarity can get us off track.
On to the show... UPS has management rights to operate whenever they deem it necessary without input from the IBT (excepting Labor Day) and Teamsters are the bargaining unit that provides that service.
A more clearly worded Art 15 Sec 1 would read "A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work on the following eight (8) named holidays and receive pay..."

Unfortunately it is a bit ambiguous but that ambiguity is clarified in Sec 4, but it does not say you'll never work on a holiday. By reading the first two paragraphs of Sec 1 in their entirety demonstrates the conditions needed to be met in order to receive pay if you don't work. That is really all Sec 1 refers to. Read it again very carefully.

Sec 4's existence would be unnecessary if there was no allowance to work on a holiday.

Both these Sections have been in the CRT at least since 1973.
Happy Thanksgiving


This horse was "beat to death" in another thread.



Active Member
Upon further review the touchdown appears to be a fumble, picked up and returned by El Heffe.
Speaking of inaccurate and misleading legalese, and as the new lawyer on BC, you should know that Jimmy Jr is inaccurate as James P Hoffa's middle name would need to be Riddle not Phillip in order to be a Jr. Also the CRT calls holidays "named" not legal. Hate to nitpick but lack of clarity can get us off track.
On to the show... UPS has management rights to operate whenever they deem it necessary without input from the IBT (excepting Labor Day) and Teamsters are the bargaining unit that provides that service.
A more clearly worded Art 15 Sec 1 would read "A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work on the following eight (8) named holidays and receive pay..."

Unfortunately it is a bit ambiguous but that ambiguity is clarified in Sec 4, but it does not say you'll never work on a holiday. By reading the first two paragraphs of Sec 1 in their entirety demonstrates the conditions needed to be met in order to receive pay if you don't work. That is really all Sec 1 refers to. Read it again very carefully.

Sec 4's existence would be unnecessary if there was no allowance to work on a holiday.

Both these Sections have been in the CRT at least since 1973.
Happy Thanksgiving

Am I glad you hate to nit-pik. Imagine the thorn in the side you could be with a little ambition.

Best you debate the name game with nationally acclaimed authors. They call him Jimmy Jr. , as likely do family members. Guess you're neither.

Here's a quick link to get you started. There are plenty of others to choose from.

Kind of you to start with a distraction though...Guess you wanted to get right to the point for the sake of clarity, right?

Now let's discuss reading comprehension, shall we. While I am not at present looking directly at your CRT, I did pull the Atlantic Area Supplement from the stack at random and see it says, a) The following named holidays, or the days observed as such shall be recognized as legal holidays:

Wanna bet the CRT says the same? Report back to me on that, would ya?

Given your propensity to engage in ambiguity and feckless debate, I will forego further discussion of your keen observations concerning the Article 15 - Sec.1 and 4. I think that has been satisfactorily explained by another poster already anyway.

Your interpretation is only parroting of the party line. It will not stand the test of law. As a matter of fact, the entire posture of the union and the company on this issue reeks of collusion and stands as illogical and counterintuitive.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.