Fox news

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What a load of BS.
#1 Taxes are too high.
#2 Everybody needs and uses oil in some form.
#3 Low wages suck, especially when you work for a multi-billion dollar company.
#4 The word reform can mean anything. Some people want to make Health Care more free-market and some people want total government run Health care.
Your view of Republicans is biased and wrong and mis-leading. What a waste of a post.

Real, for conversations sake, can you tell us what you think the republican party stands for ( in your mind ) that helps you and your family??

Id really like to know.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Real, for conversations sake, can you tell us what you think the republican party stands for ( in your mind ) that helps you and your family??

Id really like to know.

Well, this Independent thinks that the Republican Party is the party of Lincoln. The party that freed the slaves. The party that elected the first african-americans to congress and the senate. The party that started the integration of our military forces. The party of Reagan. The party of less government and more personal responsibility.
Lately though the Republicans have been the party of RHINO's. Fat lazy do anything to be re-elected. Been too business friendly at the cost of the average working man.
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