Mr. Bojangles is either in management or crossed the picket line in 1997.
And yet, another useless accusation. Baseless in nature and a typical TDU comment.
Mr. Bojangles is either in management or crossed the picket line in 1997.
TOS, you are aware that 396 has the largest TDU membership in the West, right?
63 is second to us and 952 only has one member. 542 in SD is gaining a lot of new members and 848 also has their share.
Walked the picket line. Management? Let's just say I'm higher up in the union than you. We'll leave it there son.Mr. Bojangles is either in management or crossed the picket line in 1997.
Are you special needs? If you are then I'm sorry for bringing this up.G is not a member of TDU and neither is Z. Tom L isn't TDU either and neither was Ron Carey.
But all you Hoffa blow hards think that anyone that doesn't support the corrupt Teamsters old guard is TDU. I'm not a member of TDU but I know more because of them. I haven't learned jackfrom Ron H and company, they keep their members ignorant. If it wasn't for TDU informing people how bad this contract is, all of the supplements would have been passed on the first vote.
To bad most members believe the bullshiit their business agents and shop stewards feed them.
Ron H and his cronies went around pushing for a YES vote, while TDU went around informing us about the loses. And for that I will credit them.
Its guys like you, that never learn what politics is all about. Guys like you watch "HOFFA" over and over again and then think this is 1925.
What labor victories do you propose to be winning??
The contract is settled for now, so there is nothing to negotiate. Now its about finding out how to manage UPS using the new language in front of you.
There are no new battles on contract language waiting for you, just remember, there are people that are relying that all the big mouths who want to be union leaders know what they are taking about.
If the unfortunate happens, and G wins, the membership better hope he has more to offer us UPSers than some rogue sanitation worker, and a bunch of name calling rock throwers.
G is not a member of TDU and neither is Z. Tom L isn't TDU either and neither was Ron Carey........
TOS, if you tie yourself to Hoffa or hall in 2017 I will personally campaign against you when you run. I want to see if you actually have the testicles to break away from those corrupt old guard cowards.
Are you serious, TOS? ......
Oh i see, your a reformer. By assuming some union position, you are going to change the way congress does business and effect change in laws.
Ok, now i get it, your clueless. Sorry, for a second, I gave you credit for having somewhat knowledge of how things worked in politics.
You are going to change the face of congress, get people elected to rally to your cause, and thereby effecting legislative change.
Dont be a goof. You basement union types are so full of crap its not even funny.
Here's a hint. TO effect legislative change, to suit your "wishlist", the democrats would have to control the house, the senate and the white house.
The dems lost the house in 2010, all the yelling, kicking and screaming you could possibly do from your TDU basement would make ZERO difference in the outcomes of legislative votes on the hill.
What you listed in your "wishlist" are simply undoable in todays poltical climate. The GOP controls the house, and the GOP can block bills in the senate making effective change impossible.
What do you propose to want to do, stand on the street corners and shake your fists?
Who outside your circle of influence do you think gives a crap what you think?
Wages have been driving down for decades. Low skilled immigrant workers are to blame for this. RTW states, or RED states will always punish the american worker with low wages and near nothing benefits.
Outsourcing of jobs has been going on since 1980 and the Reagan revolution. Wall street has insured jobs to be sent overseas. Heck, TV shows, like Shark Tank promote MOVING a business concept to china in order to secure start up money.
There is no PRIDE in american products anymore. Americans dont have PRIDE either. They LOVE the chinese crap they buy for cheap prices. They could care less if 10 year old chinese kids are taken from homes and placed in work camps making shoes and clothing or straw hats.
You think moreluck gives a crap who makes her tv dinner trays while she is watching fox news?? All she cares about is paying near nothing for chinese crap like every other american.
How do you propose to change this mindset? Again, Standing in the street shaking your fist??
The key to your post is simple, you said :
"Don't know anything about Galvin & don't know much about 396...just what I've read on here over the years. "
This sez it all.
Why are you involving yourself in an issue that doesnt affect you?
G has zero experience running a local. He was horrible as a business agent. He managed to get himself and our other agents tossed out of yards with his outrageous behaviors while on property, he managed to get shop stewards fired with terminations that stuck with "bad advice" on how to act on the shop floor.
What you dont understand is his motivations. TDU needed someone they could put their hands so far up their rectums, they could actually move a persons jaw.
G fit that bill.
Any other person, after getting stomped on like a flaming paper bag full of dog poop would have stepped aside after the last election and allowed the membership to find someone else to lead the local.
But no, Not G, he has TDU blowing non DEF smoke up his rear end constantly that he cant see the forest from the trees. TDU isnt about give up on trying to take over local 396, they gonna tell him everything he wants to hear.
How do i know? Simple, they approached me first. Tom L, a TDU member, and I spoke on several occasions, I respectfully declined the invitation. Let me be clear, TDU has some good qualities as I have stated before, but I dont like "some"of the people involved with the organization. Not that it matters who they are.
G is in this election for G. Illusions of grandeur have captivated his thought process.. The promises of TDU brass for helping him in this election, all the while "pretending" not to be TDU for fear that the 396 rank and file will discard him like yesterdays newspaper.
You have a lot to learn about union politics and so do 396 TDU'ers who believe otherwise.
As far as sanitation, its not my arena, the local has its personnel to deal with that. Is it going well? Probably not, but my concerns are for my UPS brothers and sisters first.
We have bigger problems on the horizon, and we need strong people with professional attitudes and working relationships that work.
Banging your hand on the desk doesnt work in 2014.
Get that through your head.
You remind of those two clowns from 952 (Patrick K and Ernesto Medrano) who think there's a difference between the Democrats and Republicans. We all know the Republicans hate workers, but the Democrats are no different.
In 2008 the Teamsters endorsed the candidacy of Obama with $40 million. After winning office he turned his back on labor by enacting Free Trade Agreements with Colombia , South Korea and Panama. Not only did the Republicans vote in favor of this, but so did the national Democrats who received endorsements from the Teamsters but and unions as well.
The entire JC 42 is full ofand continues to get caught with their heads in their azzes. Until all you idiots realize this we're gonna continue to get served up by corporate America. Don't forget about that.
Political lesson #1.
No, I dont need to check myself. I understand how politics works, and it went without saying that "both" of us would talk smack about each other once we separated. Any suggestion that I did not complete my elected term is pure nonsense regardless of whatever has been said. Now, dont mix subjects. As Ron and his administration may say unflattering things behind my back to people like you, "I" on the other hand, talk smack to their face. What i am talking about when i mention "mudslinging", I am talking about the B.S. excuse for pushing Sal Z. out of way in the G slate. His personal business isnt a relevant subject in a local election. This isnt the same as public office where something like that could have an impact. Whoever "decided" that this was an issue clearly misunderstands the electoral process in local politics.
I agree with you that since 2008, both contracts contained givebacks that hurt the membership. There is no argument from me there. I too, am unhappy with the carve out insurance program regardless of its origin, but there is NOTHING we can do today about it. The company isnt going to take it back, now or later. its the UNIONS problem now.
As far as misuse of "funds". There isnt ONE shred of evidence that this has occured under the H administration.
Ron has ultilized the office to secure funds and the treasury, the local has a paid accountant to oversee the books and investments. Ron's role is to manage dues money into investments that make money and 396 will not see the levels of financial mismanagement like other locals. Any claim of this is simply untrue. If anyone is going to run for office on this premise, would be committing political suicide.
On the other hand, this isnt to say that money is being used for silly things, all legal, all Eboard approved and all above board. When I was holding office, motions were made for dumb things, like full page ads in high school year books for members who asked for it. By a vote of 6 to 1, things like this passed.
It was all politics, pay backs for members support. Pretty simple. Ive seen soccer uniform approvals, baseball uniform approval, golf outings, trips, leather bags, jackets, shirts blah blah blah.. the list is long.
Is this stuff right? Well, thats the fine line that is walked. If the Eboard believes it is and votes to authorize it, well then, its approved. NO laws broken. People may not like it, but its not illegal.
The local has been "paying" members to do many things other than just going to las vegas. This practice under article 16 is an allowed practice by the local and one of the ways Ron has been able to turn "haters" into "supporters".
How do you think M.K., P.M., D.C. or G.T. came to be a part of this administration??
Turner was a part of the smack talk with L.A. when he ran against us, the others were are part of that movement for years. Ron was able to "turn" them into supporters by tossing out carrots to them in the form of "inclusion".
That inclusion meant, trips to events, gifts, and ultimately, promotion into the local.
Again, it isnt illegal, its a practice.
Your points, while simple, are not ground breaking and it really goes to show how limited your experience is with local operations.
There are more serious issues that "we" has members have to deal with.
The issue then becomes, do we replace the H Administration with G just for the sake of change, possibly hurting ourselves and the local worse? In the next three years, who do you want in your corner, a group who for the most part understands the system, has the connections with the labor department and has a track record of win some lose some OR people with NO connections to the labor department with NO working relationships with the company where a phone call could make a difference, OR a new group of people who dont understand or has EVER conducted an arbitration?
Would you like to be the guinea pig for their first case? Of course you wouldnt, neither would "I" or any other member.
Some history, when G was a business agent during my term, he was ineffective in his yards and the one thing that stands out about his history was when he managed to get himself BANNED from several yards for his abusive tone and lack of professionalism.
Ron and I had to have a private meeting with then regional manager D.A., just to get our agents back into the yards. This was a troubling time for the local when our agents were banned because of his actions.
Ultimately, G and the local separated, and I will leave it at that.
The job is more than popularity, its an art, and that art is negotiation. Its the ability to make things happen vs. waiting for things to happen.
I dont believe G has that ability to "make" things happen, regardless of what anyone else has to say. He just doesnt have the company respect to accomplish this.
We shouldnt make change just for the sake of change.
Let me pose this to you. If the membership was truly upset with RON, then, how in the last election did G not earn any more votes than the normal dissention vote? 900 votes is the average dissention vote regardless of who is in office. That means that 900 people will vote against whoever is in office no matter what. G recieved 955.
Now, if he had actually pulled closer to 1400, then you could argue that he had a chance to win. At that point, its a simple matter of changing 200 peoples minds.
But, if you can barely crest 900, then you are not connecting with the membership regardless of how many people show up at a poker party.
From 955 to 1501 doesnt sound like a big number, but it is if the lead candidate cant pull in the numbers himself. If the lead candidate has to run around trying to bring in other people to make up a deficit, what does that say about the candidacy itself?
Thats called leading from behind, behind others credibility.
What is most likely to happen in this election is that "fewer" people will vote because they dont like EITHER candidate.
This hurts the new slate and NOT the encumbent slate.
Believe me, if Ron was doing anything illegal, I would be at the local requesting to review the books, and that isnt happening. Nobody is going to win an election on that premise.
This is about the future, 2018 to be specific. That's when our national contract comes back up for negotiation. The players need to change in 2018, and there is still one election prior to 2018 in our local.
2017 is my new target. Strategically, in three years, a majority of H supporters will have retired. Of course i am talking about the feeder department. In package, ORION will need to be addressed, and protections created for our drivers from the abusive treatment over its implementation. Part timers need to have progression returned to a reasonable time frame so we can reduce the "turnover" of part timers back to levels seen before 2008.
This election comes down to Gs ability to put forward his best shot, and just not hope that people are pissed at RON and will make change for change. When he loses, regardless of vote count, he will have to step aside and allow the members to find another slate of personnel to move forward without interference.
As I said before, I am on the record already with my predictions, and only time wil tell. Lets let that clock run out and discuss it then.
While, I am not sure how your post helps the conversation, go back and read what I wrote. It matters not all the emotion you seem to want to remind us all of.
This election comes down to mathematics and mathematics alone. VOTES are counted by "feelings". Yes, are people upset, ABSOLUTELY, will that translate into more votes, ??? NO.
Lets dispense with the Z issue. NOBODY outside the G camp even knows or understands who Z is. Ask any person in a UPS yard outside the G camp, and you will hear a resounding "WHO?"
What could Z possibly have to say to our members about G? He knows NOTHING about his performance as a Business Agent. Zuckermans influence on our local membership is amount to breeze in the wind. You hear it, but you dont pay any attention to it because its just air passing through.
This election comes down to two things, Can Ron hold his base that will vote for him no matter what, and can G bring enough outsiders into his camp to bring in the votes HE CANNOT get for himself.
All the other emotional recapping of events over the last two contracts is really a waste of time. WE ALL know the last two contracts were not in the members best interests, but that doesnt mean we put in a person(s) with ZERO experience to guide us through the next contract.
Hyperbolic Rhetoric isnt going to make people vote. Ron and I may be on different sides on issues currently affecting all of us, but Ron has the experience over G to at least maintain the status quo and not affect the membership negatively. The damage has already been done with the 2013 contract.
Nobody is talking about it any longer in the yards. Nobody cares enough.
Members have to decide on one premise only, If they get in trouble, and they should lose their job in the next three years, who do they have a better chance of getting their job back with, RON or G.
Who do you want in your corner?
Does G have the experience to pick up the phone and call the regional manager , division manager, labor managers and get a person his/her job back with a simple telephone, like I can, or Ron?
The answer is simple. NO.
If you want to be the first guinea pig in a G administration to lose his job and then have that job riding on his abilities alone, then you better start completing a new resume.
Look at ALL the stewards that G got fired when he was the business agent. Giving them all bad advice, getting them to act out , telling them he had their backs, only to watch them ALL lose their jobs.
I know one person very well, and he will come forward once the campaigning starts.
You dont know everything about G you THINK you know.
Fred Z will be visiting Southern California in the coming weeks just before the Local 396 nominations. It is said that he will endorse the candidacy of Richard G against Ron H.
The chances of challengers winning in Southern California have always been very slim. But 396 represents only two crafts (sanitation and UPS). Sanitation workers for long have been unhappy with Ron H and the regressive contracts he's negotiated. Isidro Valdivia who is well known and respected for his activism in Waste Management after leading an $87 lawsuit against them in 2007 is believed to be running on the G Slate.
But UPS is even now more angered about the worse contract in UPS history, especially the new healthcare they were dealt. The UPS members of 396 in majority are putting blame on Ron H and are saying they are willing to give G a chance. These are the same people that three years ago did not take his candidacy very serious. Last year Local 396 voted down the contract 1742 votes to 463. That's better than 4 to 1. If those No votes go to the challenging slate, H will be in big trouble.
Ron H, his executive board and business agents are now desperately saying anything to save their jobs. H and company are laying blame on Hoffa and hall for their humiliating defeat at the negotiating table. They have gone as far as saying that they are no longer supporting Hoffa, even though H himself serves as International Trustee in Hoffa's Executive Board.
These are some exiting times at 396 and a H defeat would clearly show how angered UPS Teamsters are with this contract.