That's being very generous on the extremes. The average PTer works 3.5-4 hours and the average driver works 9-9.5. Any driver who consistently works more than 9.5 is either doing so voluntarily, or has voluntarily accepted a late pick-up route. And yes, there's exceptions on both ends.
Secondly, stop pretending that package car driving is brain surgery -- honestly, it's an easy job. Yes, it can be stressful at times... but have you loaded package cars in recent years? At least at the end of a day of driving, you go home $350 richer. At the end of a day of loading, you go home $35 richer.
Ok bagels, my numbers may be off somewhat but the majority of the drivers in my building get 9.5/ 10 at least 4 days a week, all i was saying you cant compare the 2 jobs, there for you cannot compare the 2 wages,,driving a truck not brain surgery by any means, but I can tell you its like being married everything is your fault. Commit times, damages, misloads, over aloud, accidents, oops you can kiss your job good bye for that depending circumstances..dealing with the cust,.. it just different some guys on here just seem to think we drive around and this stuff delivers it self by magic and we just sit there while it all happens..i think most ptmers work hard and deserve more..there arent too many jobs at ups that are not...