I'm a driver and I happen to agree with FreakinBanana's and Bagels point of view on this.
I didn't say average driver and average part-timer. I said him and me. He worked 55ish hours a week to make six-figures, and I worked 22-24 hours on average to earn 13k. My numbers are right.
His job does come with a lot more responsibility and dedication required. That's why he deserves a higher wage than mine.
However, he does not deserve $90,000 more than me.
Like I said in another thread !!!
Part Timers sacrifice " no doubt because I did " !!!! BUT If you do any job for 3 1/2 hours a day and are getting the same benefits as the guy that works 11 hours in his/her truck !!
If you are WAITING for a Full Time job to open , then keep sacrificing !! " it's worth it ""
But if you are just working here for benefits and think you are getting screwed, GO GET A FULL TIME JOB AND LOOK BACK AT HOW GOOD YOU HAD IT HERE !!!!
I've worked at ups part-time for 9 years. I've worked my full/time job for over 6 years- warehouse work. I average 900 hours at UPS and 2100 hours at my full time job each year. i make nowhere near 90k.
Between me an my wife we have a house and and couple vehicles. Nothing nice, but sufficient. I work 6am- 2:30 pm then from about 5:30 pm -9:30pm. Busting my ass. I need to have insurance (good insurance) that's why I work both jobs. My other job offers a few different insurance packages that are horrible in comparison to UPS. There are guys at my full time job paying 300 dollars out of each check/ every two weeks for family coverage. 600 dollars a month and they STILL have a deductible! I try to look at the bright side of things. My full time job offers 401k match, UPS offers a pension and free insurance.
For those of you saying that you'll never find a part-time job with the perks of UPS you're absolutely right. For those of you that think just because you're full time you deserve 33 an hour vs a part time guy making ****, you're wrong. I know there are plenty lazy part time workers that don't care about their jobs and have no intention of going full time or getting another job. I know the drivers deal with a bunch of BS from management and have actual accountability/responsibility and sure you deserve 33 an hour...but part timers deserve way more than the pathetic wage they get by comparison. I sort packages, it's tough depending who you have or how much you give a rip pretty much. I roll into work with icy hot patches on my back an shoulder grinding in out. I volunteer every night to unload irregs from he metros to get more then my 3.5, I bs with the drivers and I can't believe the number of them that are over 55!!! Not ripping on these guys but there is no way they could keep up with these 18 year old unloaders busting their asses for 8.50. So to say driving is more physical of of job isn't accurate in my opinion.
My whole point is that all those drivers who whine and cry that they're underpaid, but in their next breath tell an $8.50/hour Preloader that he has an easy job & is paid sufficiently, should do some serious soul searching. In 2013, all jobs are stressful as employers clap on productivity -- even Walmart has reportably cut its per store workforce by as much as 20%, writing up & terminating employees who fail to pick up the slack
AGREE, we have both whining drivers that its never enough, and oddly those tend to be the ones who book off 1-2 days a week and dont go to meetings.. Also have ptmers that are the same but actually have a reason to bitch more pressure load more trucks in same amount of time,,but also don't show to meeting, call out no shows... and complain about everything but do nothing this is their chance have them vote it down..$2 raise for current ptmers NO 4 year progression to FT...I'll stand behind them on the picket lines.. But I doubt that will happen and the cycle will continue ptmers blame ftmers, ftmers say ptmers got what they deserve...It sucks and never will be fair all those guys that move from pt to ft can vote for the increases if more did and were loyal to where they came from they would. i'm sure some do but many dont. why?
My preloader is the best and i thank him everyday i see him, there are others that suck been there for years still suck,,and they are probably the same ones who turn out to be the same whining drivers.As long as they get theirs they dont care.
They don't do anywhere near the same job as me. Thats just comparing apple to half eaten discarded apples.
odles of FedEx Ground employees are doing the EXACT SAME JOB as you for a fraction of the pay, after all.
That's being very generous on the extremes. The average PTer works 3.5-4 hours and the average driver works 9-9.5. Any driver who consistently works more than 9.5 is either doing so voluntarily, or has voluntarily accepted a late pick-up route. And yes, there's exceptions on both ends.
Secondly, stop pretending that package car driving is brain surgery -- honestly, it's an easy job. Yes, it can be stressful at times... but have you loaded package cars in recent years? At least at the end of a day of driving, you go home $350 richer. At the end of a day of loading, you go home $35 richer.
I'm glad you work in Camelot, but most of us PTers don't.
I'm a driver and I happen to agree with FreakinBanana's and Bagels point of view on this.
Point is that I was smart enough to apply at UPS because I knew it was a solid company. I started at 8 bucks part time and worked to get a full time gig after 8 years to make 91k. I hear nothing but bitching and complaining about "what I didn't get", "what is owed to me", "what others have". Go out and get what you are worth! As for part time poverty? There are a lot of you PTs out there. Get off your ass and vote. I will ALWAYS stand behind you. If you do not decide to vote, do me a favor a be quiet!
I vote with consideration to family and myself. You will never make every employee happy in negotiations. Are you really blaming the FT's for PT poverty? Maybe the PTs need to go out and vote. I may get more per hour but their vote counts as much as mine. So far in this contract, we have gotten everything we asked.I see a lot of full timers saying they support the part-timers, but obviously this isn't the case with the majority. Our starting wage has been the same since the 70's we have to work at UPS 25 years to get the top pay vs a full time guy that hits it after 3 years. So yeah, the vote from the FT is "screw PTers"
Also, obviously all FT are going to vote because the job is their livelihood vs a part time guy who is just going to school and wants to leave at first cut every night. When I was in college it was the same way. That's why the majority of PT don't vote, they don't plan on working here more then a handful of years. So it is what it is.
So I have been reading in the contract threads that some full timers say we should stop complaining, that we only work a few hours a day while they slave over 12 hours a day.
I work for an accounting firm as a CPA starting at 5am, go right to UPS afterwords until about 10pm, and work both Saturday and Sunday. I just want you guys to know that I am a slave as well; not all part timers only work 3 hours a day. I only make 60k at a mid size CPA firm, NOT getting paid for my OT, I would love the chance for a full time driving position and make more than I do at my day job. I have been at UPS for 8 years now. We are one and the same guys & gals!
If you can't sleep nights you should be in Feeders!Wow, you're pretty lucky. I had to work for years in a crappy paying insurance job (salary) from 8am to 6pm, sit in rush hour traffic, eat a quick dinner, take a 2 hour nap, work the night shift at UPS until 4AM+, go home, get 2 hour nap then start it all over again. I would have loved to have all that contiguous time at home to be able to get a normal night's sleep. I just finally got back to a normal night's sleep 4 months ago when I started driving and my body is still having a rough time sleeping through the night.
I'm a part timer and I think both sides have valid points. My issue is that we don't all get along. We are all brothers and sisters and we should be supporting each other as such. I think we all agree that PT's are under paid. Do PT's deserve the same pay as FT's. It would be nice, but no, we don't. Just the fact that FT's work more hours justifies them getting more money as they make a bigger commitment to UPS. Job wise, PT's job's in my opinion are more physically demanding than most FT's jobs, but its only to 3.5-5 hours a day. FT's jobs in my opinion are not as physically demanding, but they have to do it for many more hours so when it's all said and done the FT's put in a lot more work. In addition, the FT's have a lot more responsibility and accountability. Bottom line we all work hard and should support and respect each other. In my building, I respect most of the FT's and they respect me. (I have no respect for the drivers/runners that don't follow the rules and work though their lunches.)
I'm a part timer and I think both sides have valid points. My issue is that we don't all get along. We are all brothers and sisters and we should be supporting each other as such. I think we all agree that PT's are under paid. Do PT's deserve the same pay as FT's. It would be nice, but no, we don't. Just the fact that FT's work more hours justifies them getting more money as they make a bigger commitment to UPS. Job wise, PT's job's in my opinion are more physically demanding than most FT's jobs, but its only to 3.5-5 hours a day. FT's jobs in my opinion are not as physically demanding, but they have to do it for many more hours so when it's all said and done the FT's put in a lot more work. In addition, the FT's have a lot more responsibility and accountability. Bottom line we all work hard and should support and respect each other. In my building, I respect most of the FT's and they respect me. (I have no respect for the drivers/runners that don't follow the rules and work though their lunches.)