TOS so let's use your logic in comparing Bush's response vs. barry's lack of response.
So you think that Bush should have upset all those school kids who have been waiting weeks for him to read to them just to make a public statement about an attack .
barry who had all the facts before he went in front of the cameras , but chose to make jokes and give a "shout out " to someone who was not A Congressional Medal of Honor. And after 2-3 minutes get to his point.
ps Bush went to Fort Hood, but keep his visit quiet.
Unlike barry who never misses a photo op.
What I expect from a president, the leader of the free world, the man in charge, the person responsible during the WORST terror attack on our soil, IS TO JUMP UP, EXCUSE HIMSELF, APOLOGIZE TO THE KIDS, WALK OUT and LEAD THIS COUNTRY.
NOT sit there like a baffled idiot appearing to be sitting in a room of people with the same intelligence level.
No one is saying he should have gotten up and spoke in the classroom, only another idiot would suggest that, instead of sitting there like a maroon who was clueless, why didnt he get up, go to a secure location and re-assure the nation that he was in charge.
Instead, for hours he hid like a coward before addressing the nation.
This was his second blunder as president when it came to addressing a national tragedy.
Katrina was his first blunder as he flew
"over" New Orleans after leaving McCains birthday bash in Arizona.
You have a steep hill to climb trying to compare OBAMA to BUSH's stupidity.
Obama addresses the country in a timely manner, he spoke at that conference and read a prepared statement with a transition included at the 3 minute mark.
How is that worst than BUSH sitting in a classroom filled with children too young to understand what the president does while the country was under an attack from terrorists?
The importance of 911 should have elevated BUSH's response to an immediate reaction. There was no time for delays, the countries citizens were in danger as a whole, in the Ft Hood incident, it was a random shooting, isolated in nature and presented no threats to other cities, counties, states or to the remaining citizens of the United States.
Face it, he (BUSH) didnt know what he was doing or what to say. He needed to wait until he was told to move and what to say.
The country suffered greatly that day as the BUSH administration failed to protect america and the american public.
Obama hasnt failed this country with respect to Ft. Hood.
There is plenty of blame to go around, begining with the TEXAS "liberal" gun laws.
This major was able to walk into a gun store the day before, buy 2 guns and a ton of ammo using a muslim name, get on base with un-authorized weapons, make it into a military building without detection of the weapons and ammo and began a random shooting spree.
Because of the "lax" frontier gun laws in Texas, this major was
NOT subjected to a background check or waiting period. He was able to buy a ton of ammo and the gun store clerk never bothered to notify anyone that a man with a muslim name just bought 2 guns and a ton of ammo?
What happened to "never forget"? Seems like this gun store
What about the multitude of military failures?
Everything from failing to monitor this majors actions to allowing him to enter a military base with illegal weapons. Why arent the guards on the base not being charged with failing to do the inspections that are required?
The state of TEXAS shares a part of the blame for allowing the easy access to guns without basic scrutiny. This is what happens when you make it easy to get guns.
People who have mental problems will always find a place (like texas) to get guns and kill innocent people. You dont have to be MUSLIM to do this in AMERICA.