I recently was offered a job as seasonal driver my question is if I took the job my last day would be January 13 what happens after this do they not offer you part time work or do you have no chance to ever get a full time job
It really sucks, I know, but it's right next to impossible to get a FT driving job after being a seasonal driver. You are barely an employee as a seasonal. Truck drivers are usually promoted from within -- And only the people who have the most seniority.
I started out as someone who had quit a post office job as a mailman, and I still wasn't even offered anything related to driving. I'm currently working as a package handler (2-3 rungs up the ladder now btw). I initially took it because I thought "what the hell, why not?" I figured I could use the extra money on top of my income.
And I've just been here since then. I would advise you if you want to go down that route then you really need to have a daytime career. I'm still here because I know one day it will pay off. Honestly in the beginning when I found out people only get promoted from within after at least a year, I did not think I was going to be able to make it to even a year. But I'm still here.
And at that point you may not even want to become a truck driver. Most people start driving once their preload wages are at the SAME WAGE as truck driving so some people just elect to turn down the promotion. It's all an investment.