Funniest names you've seen on pkgs


Slow & steady wins the race.
Saw this one the other day. Told my wife this was my new nickname for her. :wink2:



Well-Known Member
Harry Butuad. ( Hairy Buttwad) Lone Tree, Iowa.
Eva Bouschlicher
And Betty Gott married Arthur Licht. Betty Gott-Licht.
No kidding.

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You would think she would be sensible enough just to take her husband's last name instead of going through life being known as the "Betty who got licked"

She must understand that every person who hears or sees her name is LTFAO behind her back.

However, my guess is she is some stuck-up, man-hating, feminist who insists she must keep her name because the men of the world are keeping her suppressed. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
I also have a Sharon Peters on my route.

Know of a guy in town named Dick Head. I believe he prefers to be called Richard nowadays.
A little of topic, but when a customer insists I sign the end of day when he's standing right in front of me kind of pisses me off. I just think its idiotic. Like, what are you going to need my signature for? And then you have the ones that keep them and file them away(really people?). So I always ask them what they keep the end of days for and why you need them signed and every one of them every single time says "well, I don't know".

So, anytime anyone insists I sign it Richard Head.


I've delivered to a Dick Head! Actual name showed me his drivers license. It gets better, he owns a small sausage company, no pun intended and makes the best sausage I've ever tasted! (Don't go there...) But the funniest thing of all is the motto on his business card is..... Wait for it...... "Nobody beats our meat" I've been buying from him for years. I would have loved to have been his grade school teacher... Dick Head, how much is six plus nine? "69, sir" No Dick Head, that is not correct! Now Please sit down Dick Head.... Good morning class, Dick Head is going to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. Dick Head, would you please stand and face the flag with your hand over your heart. Thank you Dick Head, you may begin. And when you're through, Dick Head, you may be seated. I don't think I'd ever stop calling on that poor kid!!!! LMAO


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Around Valentine's Day this past February I delivered flowers to an office full of women and the name on them was Tiffany Thundercu##. I put them in the corner of the office, had the first person I saw sign for them and got the hell out of there before anybody asked me "Oh who's getting flowers?"


Gaylord Focker.

I was driver helping one day after the preload. It was some college kid in an apartment- we knocked and asked if Mr. Focker was home. He was embarrassed and told us several times it wasn't his real name.

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I've actually have seen that name to as well!


Well-Known Member
I deliver to a Chinese restaurant and when I ask the obviously Asian guy that signs what his last name is he says in a very heavy Chinese accent, "Johnson".


Have a customer with the last name Lionheart.....
Pretty cool

Which got me to thinking ( Maximus Richard Lionheart)
How much does it cost to change a name? (chuckle)
Awesome moniker.


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A pretty lady with the last name Assaley.. lmao. And I asked another lady what her last name was after she signed my diad, she said peedon lmaooooooooo