Here is some more evidence that I believe will lead this to happen.
1. Everyone is getting bigger trucks....all of ours are 800's. Why is this? Well it's because boxes are getting bigger and heavier on average. UPS initiative is pulling stuff off freight and giving it to us.
2. Because one 1, we will need people to deliver the small residential stops that are a waste of time and money for us drivers in massive vehicles with terrible fuel efficiency while paying overtime
3. The company invested in Orion which will probably be used through the app for PVD drivers. Will work well with a few stops. Also the app is pretty rock solid. There is no way they spent a ton of money developing the app simply for peak season.
4. Even if they pay these PVD's driver rate (which they won't) they would be saving money on insurance, liability, fuel, vehicle maintenance, training, etc.
5. This will cut our overtime and save the company money as well. We will be responsible for air, bulk stops, business, and pickups. I guarantee it.