Socialism? Please tell me how we are even remotely "socialist". There is a huge gulf between that which is progressive, and that which is socialist. You are mis-using the word. Obama isn't even close.
I've been through this before.
I will repeat it again for you.
Yes I am aware of what Socialism is as defined as a type of government - the USSR and China are examples of countries that had a Socialist type of government.
However, it has become commonplace for the Governments of Western Europe and their Political parties to call themselves Socialists.
That is what 99.99% of the population of the Earth now refer to Socialists and Socialism.
A few college professors may define Socialism in the arcane way to which you refer. The other people who refuse to use the modern use of the words of Socialism and Socialist are people like you who try and deflect from the subject being discussed because you heard some wonk on TV say it.
Nice attempt at deflection but it is an old, worn out record and Obama is a Socialist is the modern use of the word.
If you don't think that the modern use of the words Socialism and Socialist are being used correctly, take it up with the countries in Western Europe who call themselves Socialist.
And by the way, I believe I have heard you and TOS refer to to Bush and Republicans as Fascists while Obama is really much more of a Fascist. Go research that as your TV wonks will never say that on TV.
Socialism as used in Western Europe means that the Government is heavily involved in the way business is conducted and even more involved in the welfare of their citizens.
Examples of Western Style Socialism:
Social Security
National Healthcare (Obamacare)
Government bailout of GM
Government bailout of the banks and particular - which banks
And on and on.
BTW - and I posted this on BC years ago, I think of Bush Jr as a Socialist and in no way a conservative. Many people are beginning to look at him in the same way now.
I have no problem with Socialist policies as long as they are small efforts and do not ransack the hard-working achievers of the world to support the lazy and non-achievers of the world.
You and TOS can keep your heads buried in the sands of the early and mid-1800's with your reference to arcane and obsolete definitions of Government types or you can join the rest of the world in modernity.