And you suggest that this is the definition the the uber-right has in mind when they almost spit the word, "socialist"?
I wouldn't know since I rarely watch any of the uber-right pundits. I tend to read more because that way I can analyze the logic of the argument and weed out the BS.
I get non-local news primarily from PBS nightly news hour and CNN. They are libs but consistent with a sense of journalistic intent and reporting the news. I've not seen this from ABC, CBS, Fox or NBC network news.
While I would agree with Fox I think, I don't like anybody on staff there other than Shep Smith and John Stoussel.
As with most package drivers, I am not at home to catch the nightly news anyway and I am in bed by 10 pm.
But the bottom line is that when you ask the average person "where there are Socialist governments", they normally will say Europe (even though Asia has just as many, some in Africa, some around the Caribbean).