Gaining Seniority


New Member
Hey folks,

So I was hired as a part time package handler who just finished driving school last week in less than a month. The driving position is a cover driver but I hope to get a permanent route by the time the peak volume is over. I was advised that it'll take a year to to gain seniority and that when there is no routes to cover I will work in the hub. The question I present is this : is it impossible to gain seniority in 4-5 months? I'm going to bust my :censored2: and I did the ride along and I know I can do it.
I've never heard of anyone gaining seniority that quickly. Then again every hub and region is different, but where I'm from even cover and air drivers have to wait years before getting a permanent route.

Busting ass couldn't hurt your chances though.


New Member
Yeah I'm hoping so. The center Sup said he needed 3 guys to be fully staffed and I've been earmarked as one of the 3 but I'm not sure if it's just for peak or overall.


Seniority is a set by days worked. Even if you worked 7 days a week for the next 4-5 months you wouldn't hit seniority. They must be desperate for drivers leading up to peak if you've only been there a month and already gone through driver school.

But to be completely honest, you having a permanent route right after peak is slim unless you're in an explosive growth area. I'm in a high growth area and most of our cover drivers still have to wait about two years before being perm.

Good luck!

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I would say no, you won't go directly to FT perm. But it's not impossible. Either way, if you do a good job, that's the best you can do. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't think youre gonna get a permanent route for a while. As far as gaining seniority talk to a steward and find out how many days driving it takes to make book. Some areas its 30 days while others it's 40 I believe.

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nowhere special
30 working days. Unless its an issue of free period. That is to gain seniority and not to have your own route though.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yeah I'm hoping so. The center Sup said he needed 3 guys to be fully staffed and I've been earmarked as one of the 3 but I'm not sure if it's just for peak or overall.
Unless you're off the street position. You can't be earmarked for anything. It's all based on seniority. Has nothing at all to do with how hard you work.

When you have enough time in you'll be given a shot.


Well-Known Member
Here, as a cover, it takes a few years to get a bid route. But if you get one, congrats. Working hard has little to do with managements decisions. They make stuff up as they go along.

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KTM rider
I could have had my own bid route after 10 years as a FT cover guy. Still do not. Might change this year, but it might not.